
Technical category
    • High Precision Maskless Lithography System for Advanced IC SubstratesPackaging

      Electronic & Optoelectronics Innotech Expo High Precision Maskless Lithography System for Advanced IC SubstratesPackaging

      This project develops a high-precision maskless lithography system consists of digital light processing, microlens / spatial filters arrays,precision servo-controlled motion technologies. Based on this maskless UV lithographic system, we are able to achieve UV patterning of arbitrarycomplicated 2D/3D microstructures for advanced IC substratepackaging.
    • Development of cutting knowledge base to enhance machine tool performance

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Development of cutting knowledge base to enhance machine tool performance

      "Tool replacementtool life diagnosis" in smart manufacturing is a key link between the quality of workpiecethe efficiency of the manufacturing process, so it is an indicator of the operating efficiency of machine tools. This technology combines on-site monitoring data, laboratory analysisdeep learning to provide best tool selectionprocessing parameter combinations for
    • 先進製程控制之決策型虛擬量測大數據分析技術

      FutureTech 先進製程控制之決策型虛擬量測大數據分析技術

      This technology aims to automatically extractdefine features from a data-driven perspective through a series of data engineering, machine learningensemble learning technologies via the big data collected from equipment sensorsquality characteristic measurement results. For products that have no quality measurement, a virtual metrology resultpredicted confidence score are provided as a decision-making basis for process control.
    • 智慧型積層製造架構

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech 智慧型積層製造架構

      The IAMA system with Automatic Virtual Metrology (AVM) technology can enable a 3D printing laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) machine to achieve the world's first innovative capability of online layer-to-layer quality predictionfeedback control, which improves the final product quality such as tensile strengthsurface roughnessrealize the goal of nearly Zero Defects of all products.
    • The Study of Chips Characteristics on Tool Life Influence

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo The Study of Chips Characteristics on Tool Life Influence

      In the machining, the cutting between the toolthe material produces chips. Cutting parameterstool wear can affect the colorshape of the chips. According to the observer's experience, the cutting conditions for chip formation can be known. It means that using cutting chips to decide wear of cutting tools is theoretically a feasible method.
    • 智能型自極化石墨烯感測器之應用

      FutureTech 智能型自極化石墨烯感測器之應用

      The smart graphene (Gr) sensor developed by this team is self-assembly arranged through Gr. No traditional polarization process is further required due to use of high conductivity of Gr. Further, because of the conductivity of the Gr sensor itself, no additional electrodes are required for collecting the mechanical-electric signals.The process of manufacturing the piezoelectric film can be simplifiedthe cost of process reduced. Moreover, the Gr sensor can be directly coated on materials with different curved shapes and, the sensitivity of the direct-coated sensor can be greatly enhanced.
    • Fabrication of Seamless Roller Molds by Fiber ArrayDigital Light Processing

      Electronic & Optoelectronics Innotech Expo Fabrication of Seamless Roller Molds by Fiber ArrayDigital Light Processing

      This research develops an innovative method for patterning arbitrarycomplicated 3D microstructures on metallic roller surfaces. This roller mold manufacturing system consists of digital light processing, arrayed microlensesoptical fibers,precision servo-controlled motion technologies. Based on this arrayed UV beam pen system, seamless roller molds are fabricated for roller imprintin
    • Super AI HPC System

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Super AI HPC System

      Super fast terapixel server allows multiple users to viewanalyze gigapixelterapixel images with mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPads, Android mobiles,laptops at the same time. Users could annotateanalyze the data using built-in tools such as 3d effect, color deconvolution, color quantification, nuclei/object detection, lengtharea measurement,quantitative reporting system.
    • AIBig Data Analytics for Energy SavingChiller Configuration Optimization

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo AIBig Data Analytics for Energy SavingChiller Configuration Optimization

      This technique employs AIbig data analytics to precisely forecast cooling load demandestimate efficiency of different chiller combinations. Time-of-Use Pricingoptimal chiller load interval are also considered for practical needs. Decision supports of optimal chiller configuration are provided to enhance energy conservation.
    • Efficiency Boosting System for Computer Numerical Control Milling Machine Based on AIBig Data Analytics

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Efficiency Boosting System for Computer Numerical Control Milling Machine Based on AIBig Data Analytics

      This technique combines more than one AI models to precisely predict current under noisy data from current sensoroptimizes speed rate based on this AI forecasting model. At the same time, it considers the practical requirementslimitations of workpiece surface roughness, tool machine current load, etc. This technique provides decision supports for optimizing parameters of CNC milling machine to keep high efficiencyenhance energy conservation.
    • 基於深度學習的光刻電路失真預測,光罩修正及新穎布局圖樣偵測的設計自動化技術

      FutureTech 基於深度學習的光刻電路失真預測,光罩修正及新穎布局圖樣偵測的設計自動化技術

      The DNN models of this technology include a LithoNet, an OPCNet,a layout novelty detection network. LithoNet is a learning-based pre-simulation model for layout-to-SEM contour prediction,OPCnet is a dual network of LithoNet for photomask optimization. Integrated with a well-trained LithoNet, our layout novelty detection network, consisting of a self-attention guided LithoNetan autoencoder, can check if there are layout patterns easily resulting in local distortions in contours of metal lines based on multi-modal (global-local) feature fusion.
    • 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      FutureTech 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      The key technology of Patient Derived Tumor Spheroids (PDTS) is to create an in-vitro patient tumor microenvironmenttumor-like properties, furthermore, predict various cancer antidrug effectiveness to each patient via the high-throughputhigh-quality cell viability detectionbiomarker analysis. Therefore, this project established several technologies including extracellular matrix fabrication, bioink design, cell population identification,tumor physiological environment for the upon goal.
    • 智能工廠之冰機運轉優化與聰明節能大數據分析技術

      FutureTech 智能工廠之冰機運轉優化與聰明節能大數據分析技術

      This technique employs AIbig data analytics to precisely forecast cooling load demandestimates the efficiency of different chiller combinations. Time-of-Use Pricingoptimal chiller load-interval are also considered for practical needs. Decision supports of optimal chiller configuration is provided to enhance energy conservation. Moreover, using real data feedbackmodel health examination, the model can do self-calibrationmake evolution, continuously learn from the experts,provide decision supports in good quality.
    • 利用先進製程提升臨床腦神經外科醫師訓練品質-仿生腦模擬器

      FutureTech 利用先進製程提升臨床腦神經外科醫師訓練品質-仿生腦模擬器

      To train neurosurgery internsincrease their confidencesurgical skills, we employed 3D printing, mold design,casting technology to develop medical simulators. The simulators allow students to adjust the angle of the head based on the location of the angioma (brain tumor), perform a craniotomy, move the soft tissue of the brain aside using forceps, locate the angioma (brain tumor),clip the angioma (remove the brain tumor) using medical instruments,complete the entire training while artificial blood is flowing through the simulator.
    • 永續型超高性能混凝土之3D列印優化技術與製程模擬

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech 永續型超高性能混凝土之3D列印優化技術與製程模擬

      This technology contains two important sub-technologies. The first is the development of ultra-high performance concrete composite materials, mastering the 3D printing related properties,developing printable concrete that can actually be used for printing. The second is the simulation, analysisoptimization technology of the concrete 3D printing process. The infinite element method developed by ourselves is used to simulateanalyze the concrete 3D printing process,the geometric of the object is considered to optimize the printing pathparameters.
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