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    • 基於容器化技術之智慧型預測保養系統

      FutureTech 基於容器化技術之智慧型預測保養系統

      The IPMC system can detect possible abnormal signs in advancepredict the RUL of the machine before it fails so that it can effectively avoid unscheduled downtimeprevent enormous losses. The IPMC system also exploits the advantages of cloud computingContainer technology such as rapid deployment, failover,lightweight to enhance its performanceportability.
    • A Transparent Deployment Solution for 4G/5G Edge Computing Platform

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech A Transparent Deployment Solution for 4G/5G Edge Computing Platform

      We design/implement a transparent deployment solution for 4G/5G MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) platforms. The solution is standard-compliantdoes not require any changes on 4G/5G base stationcore network. Its MEC deployment is just plug-and-play. It contains five major components to gracefully interact with cellular protocols : ARP proxy, MEC packet gateway, GTP states tracking module,
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