
Technical category
    • AI動態老藥新用平台及COVID-19應用

      FutureTech AI動態老藥新用平台及COVID-19應用

      We propose an AI dynamics drug repurposing platform applicate on COVID-19. This platform analyzed a large number of structures of SARS-CoV, MERS,cross-species coronavirus 3CL protease-ligand complexes to construct uncovering six flexible active site conformationspharmacophore clusters for SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease screening all FDA drugsfound four inhibitors within three months. Among them, JM206 had even demonstrated ten times better efficacy than Remdesivir in-vitro assayalso show the effect on the in-vivo hamster model to alleviate the symptoms caused by COVID-19.
    • 新穎高效能複方青光眼藥水

      FutureTech 新穎高效能複方青光眼藥水

      Current mainstream pharmacotherapy of glaucoma is the delivery of intraocular pressure-lowering medication via topical instillation. But, this dosage form has practical limitations due to well-known ocular barriers to drug transport. For the first time, highly efficient compound eye drop formulation is designed based on the idea of innovative glutathione-functionalized gelling materials. Our biomaterials-based ophthalmic drops can better improve drug bioavailabilityantiglaucoma efficacy than currently marketed eye drops, thereby showing future clinical translational potential.
    • Germplasm Bank of Medicinal Coral Producing New Targeted Anti-cancer Agenttheir Aquaculture Technology Platform

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Germplasm Bank of Medicinal Coral Producing New Targeted Anti-cancer Agenttheir Aquaculture Technology Platform

      The present invention discloses the germplasm bank of medicinal coral producing new targeted anti-cancer agent and their aquaculture technology platform. The medicinal corals are collected in Kenting, located at the southern tip of Taiwan. In response to the unmet medical needs of new anti-cancer drugs, our research results will provide more diverse types of new drug targets and lead compounds in the "new drug development-new drug discovery and exploration period".
    • 具吸收與釋放活性成分的新型載藥隱形眼鏡:從藥物到保健品

      FutureTech 具吸收與釋放活性成分的新型載藥隱形眼鏡:從藥物到保健品

      The novel drug-eluting contact lens is a great substitute for traditional eye drops, which are plagued by problems, such as low drug administration efficiency, discomfort,repeated dosing. Drugs can stay on the eyeball for a sufficient period of time. Patients can have access to treatment in an appropriate state at any time. With these advantages, the novel drug-eluting contact lens is expected to become a new method for the treatment of ophthalmic diseasesfor the recovery of patients after ophthalmic surgery. It has broad application prospects in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases.
    • Beryllium-free multi-element copper alloy

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Beryllium-free multi-element copper alloy

      For the working places where have the risk of burningexplosion, non-sparking tools are important safety tools. They are made of hardest Cu-Be alloys. However, Be is very expensivepoisonous. To overcome this, we develop Be-free copper alloys which have high hardness for tools. In Taiwan, we have steel-tools industry. To have higher profit, it is promising to produce such Be-free non-sparking tools.
    • P-SERS: Rapid and Sensitive On-site Detection Platform

      FutureTech P-SERS: Rapid and Sensitive On-site Detection Platform

      Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a useful analytical technique for detecting extremely small amounts of molecules. Herein, we designed a paper-based quasi-three-dimensional SERS substrate (P-SERS) that can provide potential to improve Raman analyses for food safety, pesticide poisoning, precision medicine, drug abuse and DNA/RNA testing. The sensitive, low-cost, flexible and disposable SERS substrate could be easily fabricated by physical deposition of gold nanoparticles array onto a filter paper. In this case, we are able to create non-continuous Au islands on the fiber surfaces, where the gaps between AuNPs can dramatically generate the high electric field to enhance Raman signal of target molecules.
    • 治療多種癌症與纖維化之首創抗體新藥

      FutureTech 治療多種癌症與纖維化之首創抗體新藥

      Ninety percent of human diseases are related to abnormal inflammation. WJM team has successfully developed a new monoclonal antibody that can inhibit a key inflammation protein. Animal experiments have accumulated more than ten disease modes, including a variety of solid tumors, fibrosis, degenerativecardiovascular diseases. This antibody is qualified as an orphan drug for the treatment of IPF. New coronary pneumonia has greatly increased the demand for pulmonary fibrosis treatment,has also become an important target for mergersacquisitions of global pharmaceutical companies.
    • 老藥新用對抗新型冠狀病毒

      FutureTech 老藥新用對抗新型冠狀病毒

      By the help of the High Throughput Core Facility of the Genome Center of the Academia Sinica, potential drugs with activity are screened out,the P3 laboratory conducts the antiviral cell experiment of the drug to accurately determine the effect of inhibiting the virus. In addition, the production process of the antiviral drug "Remdesivir" is improved,innovative preparation methods are proposed, which greatly increase the yield of "Remdesivir"effectively reduce the manufacturing cost.
    • Novel Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Novel Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia

      We used the concepts of tissue regeneration, embedding drugs in biomaterial carriers,a rigorous regeneration deficient animal model with severe hind limb ischemia to develop an effective novel therapy Grace-001. The new drug can promote neovascularization, tissue regeneration, blood flow maintenance,restoration of blood vessels, nerves,muscles as well as their functions. This new dr
    • Antimicrobial peptide Epinecidin-1 promotes complete skin regeneration of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus-infected burn wounds in a swine model

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Antimicrobial peptide Epinecidin-1 promotes complete skin regeneration of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus-infected burn wounds in a swine model

      Chronic wound infection is a leading cause of mortality in injured patients worldwide. At present, available systemic antibiotic treatments have an insufficient tissue penetration ability and allow the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. The identification of therapeutic agents with wound healing and antimicrobial functions is necessary to heal the wound and cure infections. Our report shows that the antimicrobial peptide (AMP) Epinecidin-1 (Epi-1) efficiently heals MRSA-infected heat burn injuries and provides protection from infection in mouse and pig model. Our results demonstrate that the biomaterial Epi-1 heals wounds through increasing epithelial cell proliferation, vascularization, and the formation of collagen and controls MRSA infection-mediated sepsis in pigs.
    • First-in-class anti-diabetic drug, PS1

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech First-in-class anti-diabetic drug, PS1

      Diabetes is now still an incurable disease. Beta cell failure is one of common causes. No drugs for this failure have been developed. This invention is to developapply PS1 to treatreverse diabetes. PS1 is a first-in-class small-molecule drug, which targets beta cells by improving their survivalfunction. As a result, PS1 can treatreverse diabetes. The anti-diabetic mechanism of
    • 鎦-177奈米金星: 新式核醫奈米診療材料藥物之研發

      FutureTech 鎦-177奈米金星: 新式核醫奈米診療材料藥物之研發

      Nanopharmaterial is a term by combining pharmaceuticalmaterial via nanotechnology. Here we demonstrate this concept by developing a novel nanopharmaterial, so called 177Lu-Gold nanostar (AuNS). 177Lu is a therapeutic radionuclide emitting moderate-energy beta particles as well as gamma rays for SPECT/CT-based imaging diagnosis. Nanostar can target tumors by enhanced permeability retention (EPR) effectsowns the photothermal therapeutic potent. The core technology is to integrate radionuclidenanomaterial to perform a new radio-nanopharmaterial for tumor target theranostic purpose.
    • 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      FutureTech 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      The key technology of Patient Derived Tumor Spheroids (PDTS) is to create an in-vitro patient tumor microenvironmenttumor-like properties, furthermore, predict various cancer antidrug effectiveness to each patient via the high-throughputhigh-quality cell viability detectionbiomarker analysis. Therefore, this project established several technologies including extracellular matrix fabrication, bioink design, cell population identification,tumor physiological environment for the upon goal.
    • Potential of Ambient Mass Spectrometry for Rapid DrugsToxin Identification

      FutureTech Potential of Ambient Mass Spectrometry for Rapid DrugsToxin Identification

      Through combining the cutting-edge technology of TD-ESI/MS to its comprehensive database library of toxicants, a fast-track toxicant analytical platforma set of standard operating procedures are developed that enables the emergency physicians to access correct toxicological information within a short turnaround timerescue the poisoned patients based on accurate laboratory data.
    • 運用合成抗體庫發展治療與診斷人類疾病用抗體的抗體技術平台

      FutureTech 運用合成抗體庫發展治療與診斷人類疾病用抗體的抗體技術平台

      We provide antibody-based solutions to human diseases with short development course at low cost, are based on the phage-displayed GH (Generic Human) synthetic antibody libraries designedconstructed with enabling approaches, leading to the throughput capacities to uplift the innovativenessproductivity in developing antibody therapeuticsdiagnostics. In conjunction with the core technologies, antibody bioinformatics capable of extracting knowledge from big data of human antibody repertoires is used to elucidate human antibody responsesto assist antibody library design.
    • Small- and Wide-angle X-ray Scattering on Biological Structures

      FutureTech Small- and Wide-angle X-ray Scattering on Biological Structures

      (1) High flux mode for integrated measurements of SAXS/WAXS/UV-Vis-absorption/Refractive-index/Multi-angle-light-scattering (MALS) with an online high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrument, suitable for exploring biomacromolecular solution structures of a wide length scale and structural kinetics down to microsecond time scale. (2) Ultra SAXS (USAXS) mode for resolving hierarchical structures of bio-machinery assembly up to a few um length scale. (3) Anomalous SAXS mode for metal or mineral distributions (including calcium) in bio organelle or drug carriers. (4) Microbeam SAXS/WAXS mode for structural mapping of the textures or specific infected cells in natural/synthetic bio-tissues, organelles, or biomaterials.
    • 水溶液蛋白質與藥物微脂體檢測上的奇兵 - 生物結構小角度X光散射

      FutureTech 水溶液蛋白質與藥物微脂體檢測上的奇兵 - 生物結構小角度X光散射

      1.High flux mode for integrated measurements of SAXS/WAXS/UV-Vis-absorption/Refractive-index/Multi-angle-light-scattering (MALS) with an online high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrument, suitable for exploring biomacromolecular solution structures of a wide length scalestructural kinetics down to microsecond time scale. 2.Ultra SAXS (USAXS) mode for resolving hierarchical structures of bio-machinery assembly up to a few m length scale. 3.Anomalous SAXS mode for metalmineral distributions (including calcium) in bio organelledrug carriers.
    • 變種冠狀病毒蛋白晶片:疫情與後疫情時代之應用

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 變種冠狀病毒蛋白晶片:疫情與後疫情時代之應用

      Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19ongoing mutants, we developed a coronavirus variant protein microarray that includes all the current spike mutationsthe wild-type viral antigensapplied in detecting immune responsesdrug specificities. We filed the patientspublished our findings in the Analytical Chemistry. Besides massive production of the coronavirus protein microarray, we also collaborated with a scanner company, developed artificial intelligence software,collaborated with suppliers. We are welcome any sort of collaboration.
    • 萬能抗體鎖提高抗體藥物對疾病區域選擇性及安全性

      FutureTech 萬能抗體鎖提高抗體藥物對疾病區域選擇性及安全性

      In order to improve the disease-selectivitysafety of antibody drugs, we use the autologous hinge as an antibody lockuse protease substrate peptide as linker to generate pro-antibody. Only in the disease area, the overexpressed protease will restore the function of the antibody. The antibody lock can improve the safety of antibodiesthe quality of patient medications. This technology has global patents (granted in 15 countries)technology transfer experience. We believed that the universal antibody lock will bring a revolutionary breakthrough in antibody drugs.
    • 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      FutureTech 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      Our core generated several types of transgenic micea stable humanized ACE2 mice using a combi-CRISPR genetic engineering technique. We hope these mouse models can help to dissect COVID-19 pathogenic mechanismthe interaction(s) between spike proteinACE2 K353.
    • A Kinase Inhibitor that Induces Degradation of MYC Oncoprotein

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Kinase Inhibitor that Induces Degradation of MYC Oncoprotein

      This technology is a development drug lead aiming to meet the medical needs of patients with small cell lung cancer. Through disturbing MYC-Aurora A interaction and inducing degradation of MYC oncoprotein, this bioavailable kinase inhibitor could serve as a potential treatment entity for SCLC.
    • 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      FutureTech 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      This project will establish a National biobank consortium of Taiwan (NBCT) through the fund supportgovernance from the government. All Alliance will follow the same SOP for the biomaterial collectionhave the same quality of the biosample. Adequateconsistent clinical data will also be established under well information security management. Since the contents of the biobanks from different institute are quite different, we will be able to quickly establish a largecomprehensive biobank network. In line with the needs of biotechnology pharmaceutical, artificial intelligence, auxiliary medicalother industries.