
Technical category
    • Intelligent Multi-wavelength Lighting System

      FutureTech Intelligent Multi-wavelength Lighting System

      An intelligent multi-wavelength lighting system was developed and the wavelength and brightness of the lighting system can be adjusted for clinical use by physicians. It is also equipped with several functions such as reminder of lighting, parameter records of use time, lighting brightness and wavelengths. The systems could help the patients adjust the physiological parameters based on the deployment of lighting system. The using lighting parameters would upload to the data base in cloud, and which can compare with the psychological evaluation parameters for treatment physical impact analysis in hospital. With the lighting system, the problem such as poor sleep quality can be greatly improved, and the occurrence probability of mild cognitive impairment and dementia can be deferred.
    • 人工智能十二導程心電圖偵測心衰竭

      FutureTech 人工智能十二導程心電圖偵測心衰竭

      This Artificial Intelligence model interprets 12-lead electrocardiograms of adults to diagnose heart failure accuratelyefficiently. It is a fabulous heart failure screening tool that can detect more asymptomatic patients. Our goal is to help patients get early treatmentprevent disease deterioration.
    • A Kinase Inhibitor that Induces Degradation of MYC Oncoprotein

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Kinase Inhibitor that Induces Degradation of MYC Oncoprotein

      This technology is a development drug lead aiming to meet the medical needs of patients with small cell lung cancer. Through disturbing MYC-Aurora A interaction and inducing degradation of MYC oncoprotein, this bioavailable kinase inhibitor could serve as a potential treatment entity for SCLC.
    • 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      FutureTech 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      This project will establish a National biobank consortium of Taiwan (NBCT) through the fund supportgovernance from the government. All Alliance will follow the same SOP for the biomaterial collectionhave the same quality of the biosample. Adequateconsistent clinical data will also be established under well information security management. Since the contents of the biobanks from different institute are quite different, we will be able to quickly establish a largecomprehensive biobank network. In line with the needs of biotechnology pharmaceutical, artificial intelligence, auxiliary medicalother industries.
    • 應用於精準醫學與智慧育種之基因體重組與品質評估整合平台

      FutureTech 應用於精準醫學與智慧育種之基因體重組與品質評估整合平台

      We are proposing a pipeline including de novo genome assemblywhole genome SNP array design to improve the practice in precision medicineprecision agriculture. We design GABOLA, a de novo genome assembly system, combining advantages in leading sequencing platform, to construct completeaccurate individual genomes. GABOLA can resolve large structural variants, fills the gap in human reference genome,avoid the bias from reference genome. We combine the knowledge of population geneticsfunctional information to design whole genome SNP array to aid future genomic study.
    • Harmoscope

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Harmoscope

      Harmoscope is a virtual biopsy technology for dermatology. The superior performances of in vivo Harmoscope has been clinically validated by NTU hospital for 14 years, with the deepest penetration, super-resolution,the highest contrast all at the same time. Without imaging processinglabeling, Harmoscope raw images provide the same level of resolutioninformation as the time-consuming gold standard H&E histopathology, allowing dermatologists and pathologists to grade and classify various skin lesions for immediate therapeutic decision without physical biopsy. This award-winning technology will release the saturated loading of skin biopsy examination, greatly improve the quality of point of care, while providing a trauma-free real-time alternative for skin lesion patients.
    • 全方位血液細胞影像與生化分析系統

      FutureTech 全方位血液細胞影像與生化分析系統

      Our system is achieved by integrating diffractiondeep learning methods, which allows high-throughput lensless imaging system to display wide rangehigh-resolution images. In addition, the developed extraction chipsprototype were verified to accurately detect the numberproportion of blood cells under low blood demand. Our system shows great potential in point-of-care blood cells monitoring for cancer patients that could reduce infection riskmortality rate, increase efficacy of chemotherapysupport precision medicine.
    • 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      3D digital pathology imagingAI auxiliary diagnosis platform integrates 3D pathology sample preparation, high speed image scanning,intelligent software analysis into a novel system. We have collaborated with clinical pathologists to develop both 3D biopsy pathology imaging workflowthe world first 3D pathology image analysis software MetaLite, along with AI models pathology feature annotationquantitative analysis of solid tumor with high accuracy can be rapidly processed. We have transferred patented technology to start up JelloX Biotech Inc. at NTHU for further operation.
    • 測溫式側流免疫分析法和檢測儀

      FutureTech 測溫式側流免疫分析法和檢測儀

      We have developed a low-costportable reader for thermometric lateral flow immunoassay (TLFIA) using colloidal goldlatex beads as reportersa continuous-wave green laser as the heating source. Instead of using infrared cameras, a single-element infrared sensor is employed for temperature sensing without compromising the sensitivity of the reader. The thermometric assay provides a 10× higher sensitivity than color visualizationthe results are sufficiently quantitative to support decision making in point-of-care testing for infectious diseases (such as COVID-19).
    • A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech A Manual CentrifugePaper Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnosis

      Here, we introduce an electricity-free centrifuge platform based on a manual centrifuge. The provided centrifugal force is sufficient to produce a plasma purity of 99 separated in as little as 2−3 min. We then performed an immunoassay on a paper devicethe results were observed by a portable reader. As a result, the detection limit of the C-Reactive Protein is 1 ng/mL, with a total turnaround time of 7 min.
    • 智慧型電化學阻抗生物感測晶片平台

      FutureTech 智慧型電化學阻抗生物感測晶片平台

      Our technology combines optimized semiconductor manufacturing technique with unique biomediator preparation to achieve the first reliable POC biosensing platform. Sensors developed according to this method possess reproducibility, accuracy,stability that meet POC. Our sensors are portable, require low sample volume, do not require sample processing,are extremely suitable for use in POC settings. They can also be integrated into IoT systems to aide in rapid decision making,can be mass produced. Overall, we are the first to achieve accessible, reliable detection at the POC.
    • 泌尿道上皮癌微型 RNA 篩檢套組

      FutureTech 泌尿道上皮癌微型 RNA 篩檢套組

      The screening kits were developed using miRNAs for high-risk populations for urothelial carcinoma (UC). Products 702703 are designed for chronic kidney diseasehemodialysis patients using urineblood samples, respectively. With high accuracyminimal invasiveness, the kits are intended to be used as a screeningregular monitoring of UC. If a test reveals a positive result, the patient then undergoes cystoscopic examination for further confirmation. Otherwise, the patent only needs to be monitored annually.
    • 單一癌細胞之3D球體快速培養及其臨床應用

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 單一癌細胞之3D球體快速培養及其臨床應用

      R3CE (Rapid, Reproducible, Rare Cell 3D Expansion) is a clinically validated platform capable of generating single cell-derived organoids within one to four weeks. It outperforms currently 3D culture technologies in terms of yields, time to form organoids,easiness of operation. It also demonstrates similar yieldscost structure to 2D culture protocols. R3CE is ready for drug testing for all clinical samplesprovides sufficient quantity of genomic samples derived from cancer patients. It would help conduct clinical cancer treatment in the translational study.
    • 微電漿系統製程三維孔洞奈米材於紙基材應用於高產氫、高靈敏性拉曼、高催化

      FutureTech 微電漿系統製程三維孔洞奈米材於紙基材應用於高產氫、高靈敏性拉曼、高催化

      Here we developed a fastgreen process of micro-plasma system for three-dimensional porous nanomaterials on low-cost paper substrates. The characteristics are low-cost, flexible,high-stability. It has three major applications, including increasing Raman measument, the detection process can be used with portable Raman spectroscopy for fast sensing,it can quickly analyze pesticides, food, drugs, etc. In addition, it can be equipped with boron nitride for high hydrogen productionhigh pollution biodegradationother applications.
    • 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      FutureTech 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      The key technology of Patient Derived Tumor Spheroids (PDTS) is to create an in-vitro patient tumor microenvironmenttumor-like properties, furthermore, predict various cancer antidrug effectiveness to each patient via the high-throughputhigh-quality cell viability detectionbiomarker analysis. Therefore, this project established several technologies including extracellular matrix fabrication, bioink design, cell population identification,tumor physiological environment for the upon goal.
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