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    • The establishment of National Biobank Consortium of Taiwan (NBCT)

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech The establishment of National Biobank Consortium of Taiwan (NBCT)

      This project will establish a National biobank consortium of Taiwan through the fund support from the government. The National Health Research Institutes will establish a Central Office for the collaboration works, which includes collecting the number of samples of the human biological database in each biobank that agreed to join the Consortium. All Alliance need to follow the same SOP for the collection processthe quality of the biosample. Adequateconsistent clinical data will also be established under the Information Security Management Treaty. Since the contents of the biobanks from different institute are quite different, we will be able to quickly establish a largecomprehensive biobank network.In line with the need of biotechnologypharmaceutical industries.
    • 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      FutureTech 生物製造之癌症晶片應用於患者特異性用藥預測平台

      The key technology of Patient Derived Tumor Spheroids (PDTS) is to create an in-vitro patient tumor microenvironmenttumor-like properties, furthermore, predict various cancer antidrug effectiveness to each patient via the high-throughputhigh-quality cell viability detectionbiomarker analysis. Therefore, this project established several technologies including extracellular matrix fabrication, bioink design, cell population identification,tumor physiological environment for the upon goal.
    • 使用G72蛋白質與SLC7A11 mRNA作為生物標記來診斷阿茲海默氏症的方法

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 使用G72蛋白質與SLC7A11 mRNA作為生物標記來診斷阿茲海默氏症的方法

      The present technology provides a method for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease, including the following steps: detecting a blood sample taken from a human subject suspected of having Alzheimer's disease,the biomarker level is selected from G72 protein level, SLC7A11 mRNA expression level,a combination of the two,compared with a preset standard, wherein if the detected biomarker level in the blood sample is higher than the preset standard, the Individual humans are thought to have Alzheimer's disease.
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