
Technical category
    • Novel Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Novel Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia

      We used the concepts of tissue regeneration, embedding drugs in biomaterial carriers,a rigorous regeneration deficient animal model with severe hind limb ischemia to develop an effective novel therapy Grace-001. The new drug can promote neovascularization, tissue regeneration, blood flow maintenance,restoration of blood vessels, nerves,muscles as well as their functions. This new dr
    • A therapeutic gel for diabetic wounds

      Bio-tech & New Drugs FutureTech A therapeutic gel for diabetic wounds

      Our results have demonstrated that our tissue gel can effectively promote angiogenesiswound healing in diabetic wounds. Our product prototype will be a powerful therapeutic product to treat diabetic foot ulcersgo further to rescue diabetic patients from amputation.
    • 近紅外光驅動光熱聚吡咯在轉譯生物醫學與產業化應用

      FutureTech 近紅外光驅動光熱聚吡咯在轉譯生物醫學與產業化應用

      We developed Polypyrrole (PPy) based NIR-photothermal related platform technologies. This photothermal driving hyperthermia carrier systems are biocompatible are able to possess versatile functions in anticancer, antibacterial, thrombolysis, wound-healingsuppression of inflammation related bioengineering potential applications. These innovative works shed light on the efficacy of combining photothermal-performance with translational manner in biomedical, clinicalindustrial designs.
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