
Technical category
    • Consumables-free, remote,rapid optical detection of plant pathogensDr. Lan

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Consumables-free, remote,rapid optical detection of plant pathogensDr. Lan

      Based on the optical fluorescence of the plant, the technology distinguishes the difference of the main protein infected by virus from the normal ones with the feature light. The main difference of this technology is to omit the complicatedbiochemical-material- consumption procedures. With the establishment of big data, the artificial intelligence algorithm identifies whether the implant is.
    • 利用機器學習分析惡意流量特徵

      FutureTech 利用機器學習分析惡意流量特徵

      The network technology plays an important role in the industrial control systems (ICS)then has become the target of cyber-attackers. For industrial internet-of-things (IIoT) applications with limited computing resources, designing an effective NIDS is challenging. A compacteffective NIDS for IIoT is proposedvalidated by using the more recent UNSW-NB 15 dataset to improve the detection capability against new types of attacks in the real world. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better performance than previous methods.
    • 癌症檢測之磁電化學物聯網傳感系統

      FutureTech 癌症檢測之磁電化學物聯網傳感系統

      The innovative technology is based on the unique biomimetic material, including immunomagnetic nanoparticlesa portable IoT detection device, promoting the detection speed, accuracy,precision of the target molecule. Featuring with the excellent ability of minimizing the non-specific binding, this technology decreases false negative/false positive successfully. The device combines IoTAI module for statisticscalculation on the cloud for building up a magneto-electrochemical IoT sensing system for the integrated isolationprofiling of extracellular vesicles from plasma.
    • Development of cutting knowledge base to enhance machine tool performance

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Development of cutting knowledge base to enhance machine tool performance

      "Tool replacementtool life diagnosis" in smart manufacturing is a key link between the quality of workpiecethe efficiency of the manufacturing process, so it is an indicator of the operating efficiency of machine tools. This technology combines on-site monitoring data, laboratory analysisdeep learning to provide best tool selectionprocessing parameter combinations for
    • 無人化3D智慧海洋養殖場

      FutureTech 無人化3D智慧海洋養殖場

      This research team develops unmanned 3D intelligent marine aquaculture technology, using omni AIoT aquaculture technology, especially strengthening the integration of gyroplane, ROV, unmanned shipcentral control room,using long-distance intelligent control to make employees shift from traditional field work to basecentral control room. Due to the huge cross domain system of omni AIoT, it modularizes it, At the same time, edge computing technology is developed to facilitate commercial promotion.
    • A Badminton Training and Activities Recognition System

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech A Badminton Training and Activities Recognition System

      The system consists of a racket sensor, a smartphone App, and the IoT shuttlecock serving machines. Data of the 3-axis inertial sensor will be sent to the smartphone via Bluetooth for analysis. The App can recognize 7 stroke activities, including clear, cut, drive, lob, rush, net play, and smash using machine learning algorithms, while the speed, force, and stroke times are recorded at the same time. The App also enables the user to set parameters of the serving machines for assigning shot placements and serving schedules.
    • 教練盒子-羽球擊球動作分析視覺方案

      FutureTech 教練盒子-羽球擊球動作分析視覺方案

      "Coach Box" ideatechnology are derived from "CoachAI:金準羽球" project of the Ministry of ScienceTechnology "精準運科". The integrated technologies of "Coach Box" including computer vision, deep learning, machine learning, IoT, wearable applications, automation equipment,big data. The expected outcomes of "Coach Box" to show player performancegive expert advice through activities analysis of vision data. Simultaneously, it can be used as a medium for productive communication between coachesstudents.
    • 設施蘆筍農業機具與智能作物生產決策系統

      FutureTech 設施蘆筍農業機具與智能作物生產決策系統

      An automated agricultural machinean intelligent crop production decision-making system are developed for greenhouse asparagus growth monitoring. Automationenergy-saving machinery technologiesInternet of Things/information communication techniques are adopted to achieve the goal of "saving laboreffort"improve "management technologies". The developed machinesystem can greatly improve the qualityquantity of domestic asparagus production,achieve the dual goals of stabilizing the outputenhancing quality of harvested asparagus.
    • Intelligent Multi-wavelength Lighting System

      FutureTech Intelligent Multi-wavelength Lighting System

      An intelligent multi-wavelength lighting system was developed and the wavelength and brightness of the lighting system can be adjusted for clinical use by physicians. It is also equipped with several functions such as reminder of lighting, parameter records of use time, lighting brightness and wavelengths. The systems could help the patients adjust the physiological parameters based on the deployment of lighting system. The using lighting parameters would upload to the data base in cloud, and which can compare with the psychological evaluation parameters for treatment physical impact analysis in hospital. With the lighting system, the problem such as poor sleep quality can be greatly improved, and the occurrence probability of mild cognitive impairment and dementia can be deferred.
    • 應用於預防心血管疾病之無線生理檢測晶片系統與平台

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 應用於預防心血管疾病之無線生理檢測晶片系統與平台

      The technology of 「Guard Patch」includes three parts. 1. Wearable devices, 2. Intelligent wireless monitoring system. 3. Cloud server with AI to avoid the happen of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The products of 「Guard Patch」also includes three parts: 1. Medical Market: (1) YuGuard, (2) YuSound, (3) YuRine. 2. Wearable Market: (1) YuCloth, (2) YuPet, (3) YuBelt. 3.Educative Market: TriAnswer. The mentioned seven products developed by Yutech can be employed in medical, wearable, educative markets to satisfy the different demands of customersachieve the dream of 「Bioelectronics Garden」
    • 以工興藝-科技文保聯用技術

      FutureTech 以工興藝-科技文保聯用技術

      "a.The Digital ArchivingConservation System of Cultural Relics combines various imaging techniques like catoptric imaging, 3D renderingmulti-spectral imaging, which provides multiple scientific images data for the inspection of cultural relics. b.Environment Detection System allows controlling the environmental device from a far distance."
    • AIoT smart aquaculture management systems

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech AIoT smart aquaculture management systems

      Our team construct an AIoT smart aquaculture management system. The management system mainly consists of: (1) Image Behavior MonitoringAnalysis Subsystem (2) Smart Feeding Subsystem (3) IOT Subsystem including underwater sensors, ROV,Drone (4) Cloud Subsystem (5) Big Data Analysis Subsystem.
    • Next Precision Weightlifting Platform

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Next Precision Weightlifting Platform

      The main purpose of this invention is to provide a training system with the surrounding photographing unit, the display unit,a force platform. The system can immediately capture the motion of the user from various angles,measure the force of the user from both legs, in order to provide the useful biofeedback information to coachesathletes.
    • Rapid Detection of AIOT Platform for Food SafetyEpidemic Prevention

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Rapid Detection of AIOT Platform for Food SafetyEpidemic Prevention

      The innovative technology which is based on the unique biomimetic material, including immunomagnetic nanoparticles, aqueous extraction solvent,a portable IoT detection device promotes the detection speed, accuracy,precision of the target molecule. Featuring with the excellent ability of non-specific binding, this technology decreased the probability of false-negative/false-positive succe
    • An Intelligent Piano Training System

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo An Intelligent Piano Training System

      This creative platform is about an interactive music platform. The main purpose is to enable users to integrate musicinteract to achieve the effect of a music theory that combines the basic rhythm of training with the basics of learning.
    • 可收集「環境電磁輻射」與「身體動能」的發電與自驅動感測纖維

      FutureTech 可收集「環境電磁輻射」與「身體動能」的發電與自驅動感測纖維

      The first multifunctional elastic (650) fiber that can scavenge biomechanical energyelectromagnetic energy from surrounding electrical appliances is developed as a wearable power providervarious self-powered sensors. These findings optimally unify mechanical freedomthe capability of harvesting biomechanical energyelectromagnetic energy from surrounding electrical appliances as well as self-powered sensing in a single fiber.
    • 未來餐廳 - 智能技術體驗場域

      FutureTech 未來餐廳 - 智能技術體驗場域

      In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, many restaurants have been closed for maintaining anti-epidemic measures. NCHC combined multiple AI technologiesdeveloped an automated service experience to provide a way for people to still enjoy the services received at restaurants while maintaining social distancing. To achieve this, we've incorporated technologies including the following: NLP in AI, Cloud-Based Smart Point Cloud Processing (CSPCP), method for face searching in images, intelligent video analysisretrieval,artificial intelligence of things (AIoT).
    • 智慧魚苗生產系統

      FutureTech 智慧魚苗生產系統

      The invention focuses on the early fry culture, including algae, live-food organism, water quality control, fine image detection,automated intelligent culture technology. By connecting environmental parameter sensing equipment, fine image observation equipment, automatic feedback/delivering equipment,central intelligent learning/processing platform, an intelligent production system of aquatic fry can be completed,the big data on production parameters can be collected, optimizing breeding strategiesefficiency,increasing the breeding profitability more than 10 times.
    • IoT of food allergen detector system

      Medical Devices FutureTech IoT of food allergen detector system

      Our IoT of food allergen detection system has high sensitivityspecificity by magnetic nano-beads with advanced material coating. This advanced material successful inhibit biofouling in biosensor system. Other than this, Our system combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, IoTAI model. Device is small any easily carry to anywhere.
    • Intelligent Scalp Detection System

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Intelligent Scalp Detection System

      This system uses the innovative AIoT application to target annoying scalp maintenance problemsdevelops an intelligent scalp detectionmanagement system. The core of the technology is to use deep learning-based object detection models. Tens of thousands of microscopic image data sets that are labeledtrained for scalp symptoms. As a result, the scalp image recognition module is develop, such as dandruff, hair loss, oil, and inflammation, etc. Hence this system can provide scalp detection, and maintenance effectiveness tracking functions lead scalp maintenance services to a new level of intelligent management.
    • 突破物聯網的最後一哩:無晶片射頻辨識

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech 突破物聯網的最後一哩:無晶片射頻辨識

      The major cost of conventional RFID tags comes from a microchip. To reduce the start-up cost, we develop a chipless RFID system that eliminates the use of the chip. This research organize the real-world issues of chipless RFID into four subjects, including the design of chipless tags, chipless RFID readers, reader signal processing,wireless propagation channel. We successfully integrate the four topics, developing a calibration-free, orientation-insensitive,high-capacity chipless RFID system with multi-tag detection capability.
    • 自主無人機巡檢系統

      FutureTech 自主無人機巡檢系統

      With our autonomous UAV systems, we can effectively reduce many high-riskhigh-cost inspections which require high manpower, such as inspections of dams, river, coastline patrols, etc Operators only need to setuplaunch the system to allow the UAV to complete the designated tasks independently. The UAV will fly autonomously through visual navigation,will detect, record, measuremark the specified objects accordingly, while updating information to the satellite aerial image using spatial positioning technology, so that stakeholders can have a more comprehensive understanding on overall situation.
    • 以二維材料為基礎的ppb等級氣體偵測器

      FutureTech 以二維材料為基礎的ppb等級氣體偵測器

      Based on the mass production technique to fabricate 2D materials developed by our group, efficient gas sensors against NOx with sensitivity of 100 ppb are successfully demonstrated. In comparison to international competitors, our products exhibit superior sensitivityselectivity. Furthermore, the technique would be extended to other 2D materials to fabricate various gas sensors against multiple target gases. The integration with internet of things would then open new feasibilities for early monitoring in environmental pollutionhuman safety.
    • Baseball finger force sensingwireless transmission device with time-series big data analysis system

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Baseball finger force sensingwireless transmission device with time-series big data analysis system

        This pressure-detection smart baseball obtains applied force, dynamicinertial features of pitcher during pitching. Through the connection between wireless moduleterminal, data will be transferredprovides vibration as a pitching signal. Also, precise adjustment is achievable through back-end analysiscustomized training formulation, which enhances pitching ability, optimizes training,improves pitcher's condition assessment.
    • The Development of Lead-Free Piezoelectric MEMS Triaxial Accelerometer System for Safety Monitoring of Unmanned Vehicles

      FutureTech The Development of Lead-Free Piezoelectric MEMS Triaxial Accelerometer System for Safety Monitoring of Unmanned Vehicles

      "The team established material doping technology to greatly improve the piezoelectric properties of lead-free materials,successfully prepared MEMS lead-free triaxial piezoelectric accelerometers. The use of lead-free materials is the world's first development result. In addition, the team also integrated sensors, back-end circuitsuser interfaces, applied the acceleration gauge system to the safety monitoring of unmanned vehicles,successfully integrated the intelligent integrated sensingcontrol system required in the Internet of Things era."
    • 智慧都市治理:融合AIOT與即時城市異質大數據之時空預測模型

      FutureTech 智慧都市治理:融合AIOT與即時城市異質大數據之時空預測模型

      We propose a spatial-temporal inference model, which uses a large amount of spatialtemporal data in the city to help governmentsenterprises predict future long-short-term important urban indicator values, such as traffic flow, human mobility, pollution level, number of criminal caseseven commercial profitability. The SIM model exploits IoT to integrate multiple real-time geospatial big data, including population, the flow of people, geographical data, Traffic,real-time sensor values. SIM can make effective predictionsprovide explainability for making decisions.
    • 骨整合暨結構檢測儀

      FutureTech 骨整合暨結構檢測儀

      Through the developed internet of inspectionassessment device the digital twin model of specific implant structure can be constructed by using daily collected data besides assessing the osseointegration status of varied stages. The built model may trace the subject’s osseointegration changing. The internet of inspection device can also be applied for the health inspection of tapsdrills. Two types of inspection mechanism, electro-magneticvibro-acoustic, have been implemented in the device. The stability of structure is assessed through the computed frequency response function.
    • Exhaust cabinet with air curtain isolation

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo Exhaust cabinet with air curtain isolation

      The water two-phase change is used for energy conversion,the average air flow rate of the invention can be completely isolated as long as 0.2 m/sec, which can save 6RT freezing capacity equivalent to 6KW energy consumption compared with the conventional smoke exhausting cabinet body, effectively interacting with the outside world. Space isolation to avoid leakage of high pollution toxic gases