
Technical category
    • 智能精準放射治療系統研發

      FutureTech 智能精準放射治療系統研發

      This technology uses deep learning technology to establish six automatic organ segmentation models for six organsa graphical user interface for doctors. The data is exchanged with the existing radiotherapy planning system by standard formats. Analysis of the dosimetric parameters of the 3D printed customized bolus demonstrated that it is provided good dose escalationgood contact with the irregular surface.
    • BPR1R系列:新穎集落刺激因子1受體抑制劑作為癌症免疫調節劑

      FutureTech BPR1R系列:新穎集落刺激因子1受體抑制劑作為癌症免疫調節劑

      We have identified a series of BPR1R compounds as highly selective CSF1R inhibitors with excellent oral bioavailability. In vivo, oral administration of BPR1R compounds delayed murine colon tumor growthreversed the immunosuppressive TME with increased M1/M2 ratio. The US & PCT patent application including more than 160 novel compounds was filed in April 20, 2020. Several potential compounds are undergoing candidate assessment for further preclinical studies.
    • 百發百中、相醫維命 – 發展伴隨式診斷以進行小分子RNA干擾片段的癌症精準醫療

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 百發百中、相醫維命 – 發展伴隨式診斷以進行小分子RNA干擾片段的癌症精準醫療

      Cancer is the first leading cause of death in Taiwan. Targeted therapy allows the cancer cells to be specifically targeted, reduces the side effects,achieves the purpose of precision cancer treatment. This report contains two invention technologies which combined early & specific diagnosis of a specific Aurora-A mRNA isoform in cancers (the companion diagnosis)the treated with a selective locked nucleic acid (LNA)-modified novel double-stranded short interfering nucleic acid (siRNA) to inhibit the translation of this Aurora-A mRNA isoform (targeted therapy) in cancers.
    • Low-dose nanoscale biomimetic cell structure – Next-generation platform technology for advanced precision immunotherapy

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Low-dose nanoscale biomimetic cell structure – Next-generation platform technology for advanced precision immunotherapy

      We developed a biomimetic triple-antibody-immobilized magnetic fucoidan nanomedicine as a multifunctional artificial antigen presenting cell, which possessed the ability to not only inhibit immune checkpoint but activate tumor infiltrated T cells. of Bridging sites with tunable density on the nanoplatform was designed, allowing the antibodies to be well-distributed on the surface for mimicking immune cells. In contrast to the complex cell expansion process using microbeads in adaptive cell therapy, the nanoplatform can be i.v. administrated to cut the course of therapy from several weeks to days. With the development of the platform technology, an artificial immune system family can be built to pave the way for personalized immunotherapy.
    • 鎦-177奈米金星: 新式核醫奈米診療材料藥物之研發

      FutureTech 鎦-177奈米金星: 新式核醫奈米診療材料藥物之研發

      Nanopharmaterial is a term by combining pharmaceuticalmaterial via nanotechnology. Here we demonstrate this concept by developing a novel nanopharmaterial, so called 177Lu-Gold nanostar (AuNS). 177Lu is a therapeutic radionuclide emitting moderate-energy beta particles as well as gamma rays for SPECT/CT-based imaging diagnosis. Nanostar can target tumors by enhanced permeability retention (EPR) effectsowns the photothermal therapeutic potent. The core technology is to integrate radionuclidenanomaterial to perform a new radio-nanopharmaterial for tumor target theranostic purpose.
    • 撫平蟹足腫傷口的精準醫療軟膏

      FutureTech 撫平蟹足腫傷口的精準醫療軟膏

      An innovative ointment solves an unmet clinical need to cure keloid wounds The composition of the ointment can precisely modulate the cell functionsgene expression of keloid fibroblasts, making them close to the performance of normal fibroblasts. Thereby, when applying the ointment to keloid woundsthe human body prone to the formation of keloid wounds, the wound is smoothed, healing close to normal skin.
    • Novel Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Novel Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia

      We used the concepts of tissue regeneration, embedding drugs in biomaterial carriers,a rigorous regeneration deficient animal model with severe hind limb ischemia to develop an effective novel therapy Grace-001. The new drug can promote neovascularization, tissue regeneration, blood flow maintenance,restoration of blood vessels, nerves,muscles as well as their functions. This new dr
    • 肝癌治療成效追蹤與術後復發預測輔助系統

      FutureTech 肝癌治療成效追蹤與術後復發預測輔助系統

      "The primary goal of this project is to establish a complete hospital-based liver cancer database, profiles for data feature extraction,develop different cancer, prediction models. A Medical AI program to predict the poster treatment (including operationradiofrequency ablation) recurrence of liver cancer will be established. The program system will assist doctors in the medical decision, identify high-risk patients,adjust clinical follow-up programs."
    • 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      FutureTech 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      Our core generated several types of transgenic micea stable humanized ACE2 mice using a combi-CRISPR genetic engineering technique. We hope these mouse models can help to dissect COVID-19 pathogenic mechanismthe interaction(s) between spike proteinACE2 K353.
    • 專用於細胞免疫治療的成體幹細胞體外增殖誘導與冷凍保存整合系統

      FutureTech 專用於細胞免疫治療的成體幹細胞體外增殖誘導與冷凍保存整合系統

      The invention integrates a variety of technologies including stem cell proliferation, directed inductioncryopreservation in vitro. This integrated system was developed under chemical defined condition,can expand various type of stem cells over one hundred foldcan furtherly induce to specific mature cells up to ten millions. In addition, the amount of cryoprotectant can be significantly reduced to 2 in the cryopreservation system with excellent cell survival rate. This integrated system can provide a promisingvarious stem cell sources for cell therapyimmunotherapy.
    • 非病毒磁性基因傳遞技術及其細胞治療應用

      FutureTech 非病毒磁性基因傳遞技術及其細胞治療應用

      Gene delivery technology is widely used in cell therapy, nucleic acid-based vaccines, protein production, gene therapy, etc. We have developed a non-viral gene delivery technology-MPGene, which has excellent gene delivery efficiency (50-80) for human mesenchymal stem cells,also has the characteristics of low production costhigh safety. In the future, MPGene has the potential to be used in important biomedical fields such as gene delivery reagents, major trauma cell therapy, malignant tumor treatmentcartilage cell therapy.
    • First-in-class anti-diabetic drug, PS1

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech First-in-class anti-diabetic drug, PS1

      Diabetes is now still an incurable disease. Beta cell failure is one of common causes. No drugs for this failure have been developed. This invention is to developapply PS1 to treatreverse diabetes. PS1 is a first-in-class small-molecule drug, which targets beta cells by improving their survivalfunction. As a result, PS1 can treatreverse diabetes. The anti-diabetic mechanism of

      Medical Devices Innotech Expo SPERM SORTER AND SPERM SORTING METHOD

      The present sperm sorting chip utilities the upstream swim characteristic of sperms in appropriate fluid velocity to achieve up to 80 high motility sperm yield for infertile males in just 40 minutes
    • Germplasm Bank of Medicinal Coral Producing New Targeted Anti-cancer Agenttheir Aquaculture Technology Platform

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Germplasm Bank of Medicinal Coral Producing New Targeted Anti-cancer Agenttheir Aquaculture Technology Platform

      The present invention discloses the germplasm bank of medicinal coral producing new targeted anti-cancer agent and their aquaculture technology platform. The medicinal corals are collected in Kenting, located at the southern tip of Taiwan. In response to the unmet medical needs of new anti-cancer drugs, our research results will provide more diverse types of new drug targets and lead compounds in the "new drug development-new drug discovery and exploration period".
    • Modular Polymeric Nanoshells for Precision AntiviralAnticancer Vaccination

      Bio-tech & New Drugs FutureTech Modular Polymeric Nanoshells for Precision AntiviralAnticancer Vaccination

      Effectively inducing cytotoxic T cell expansion has been a critical challenge in vaccine development. To address this challenge, an entirely biodegradable polymeric nanoshell was invented to couple antigensadjuvants for safepotent immune potentiation. The invention has been adopted for precision anticancer vaccine, broadly reactive influenza vaccine,an effective vaccine MERS-CoV.
    • 以CXCR4受體為分子標的之急性心肌梗塞治療藥物開發

      FutureTech 以CXCR4受體為分子標的之急性心肌梗塞治療藥物開發

      DBPR807, a safehighly specific CXCR4-targeting antagonist, has completed the concept validation of treating acute myocardial infarction (AMI) through both ratmini-pig animal disease models induced by occluding the left anterior descending artery (LAD). When DBPR807 (5 mg/kg, SC) was given in the rat model, a significant heart-protective effect was observed with reducing cardiac infarctionfibrosis by 4341, respectively. In the mini-pig model, DBPR807 (3 mg/kg, IV) treatment was allowed to improve 3-month LVEF up to 52 falling in a standard range between 50~70.
    • 個人化精準腫瘤治療顧問-腦轉移腫瘤

      FutureTech 個人化精準腫瘤治療顧問-腦轉移腫瘤

      PCA-BM includes two models: “Automatic BMs Segmentation AI Model”" Distant Brain Failure Prediction Model". The former one uses C2FNAS (coarse to fine network architecture search) to detect the location, size,number of brain metastases. The latter uses radiomics to extract numerous radiographic featuresemploys machine learning methods such as XGBoost to establish a prognostic model of brain metastases. PCA-BM provides more precision treatment decisions for patientsimproves personalizedaccurate overall stereotactic radiosurgery planning.
    • Bi-specific antibodiesuses thereof

      Bio-tech & New Drugs FutureTech Bi-specific antibodiesuses thereof

      We developed a humanized bifunctional antibody (mPEG×tumor marker),the anti-PEG end can be non-covalently modified to bind any PEGylated nano-druga contrast agent by one-step "formulation". The non-covalent binding solved the problems of chemical modification such as the masking of the antibody binding site, heterogeneity, drug instability. The other end of the bifunctional antibody can specifical
    • Small- and Wide-angle X-ray Scattering on Biological Structures

      FutureTech Small- and Wide-angle X-ray Scattering on Biological Structures

      (1) High flux mode for integrated measurements of SAXS/WAXS/UV-Vis-absorption/Refractive-index/Multi-angle-light-scattering (MALS) with an online high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrument, suitable for exploring biomacromolecular solution structures of a wide length scale and structural kinetics down to microsecond time scale. (2) Ultra SAXS (USAXS) mode for resolving hierarchical structures of bio-machinery assembly up to a few um length scale. (3) Anomalous SAXS mode for metal or mineral distributions (including calcium) in bio organelle or drug carriers. (4) Microbeam SAXS/WAXS mode for structural mapping of the textures or specific infected cells in natural/synthetic bio-tissues, organelles, or biomaterials.
    • 水溶液蛋白質與藥物微脂體檢測上的奇兵 - 生物結構小角度X光散射

      FutureTech 水溶液蛋白質與藥物微脂體檢測上的奇兵 - 生物結構小角度X光散射

      1.High flux mode for integrated measurements of SAXS/WAXS/UV-Vis-absorption/Refractive-index/Multi-angle-light-scattering (MALS) with an online high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrument, suitable for exploring biomacromolecular solution structures of a wide length scalestructural kinetics down to microsecond time scale. 2.Ultra SAXS (USAXS) mode for resolving hierarchical structures of bio-machinery assembly up to a few m length scale. 3.Anomalous SAXS mode for metalmineral distributions (including calcium) in bio organelledrug carriers.
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