A high-sensitivity quantitative ELISA detection system for the large HBV surface (LHBS) protein was developed. It includes monoclonal antibodies for LHBSchemiluminescent sandwich ELISA method. Clinical tests of the ELISA prodcuts have been performed in CHB cases. The LHBS detection methodsproducts have been filed for US provisional patentwill be submitted for the IVD approval.
EPICAn is a novel technique that uses liquid biopsy for epigenetic analysis. Using methylation-specific PCR method to analyze specific gene methylation of cell-free DNA in plasma for early detection of breast cancer. The advantages of this technology are 1. High accuracy 2. Low false positive rate 3. Low-invasive 4. less limitation 5. Available for routine continuous detection 6. Monitoring cancer changes 7. Aided diagnosis 8. Automated process 9. Easy-to-operate 10. Rapid analysis. It is expected that EPICAn technique can increase the accuracy of early detection of breast canceraid clinicians diagnosis.
Monitoring PCDM-specific biomarkers, galectin-3S100A9, to serve as a risk assessment of pancreatic cancer on new-onset diabetes patients for early detection of PC.