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    • 定量新冠病毒中和抗體創新技術

      FutureTech 定量新冠病毒中和抗體創新技術

      A virus NT was performed in a biosafety level 3 laboratory to determine the titers. A SARS-CoV-2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was designed to detect neutralizing antibodies in the serum, based on the binding affinity of SARS-CoV-2 viral protein 1viral protein 2 to antibodies. ELISA results viral protein 12, generated comparable neutralizing antibody titers. The results analyzed by spline regressiontwo-variable generalized additive model precisely reflected the real NT value. Our method can serve as a surrogate to quantify neutralizing antibody titer.
    • Development of NRICM101 - A Novel Anti-COVID-19 TCM Therapy

      FutureTech Development of NRICM101 - A Novel Anti-COVID-19 TCM Therapy

      NRICM101 has revealed positive outcome in COVID-19 treatment clinically. Pharmacological studies have confirmed that it can neutralize the SARS-CoV-2, block virus infection, inhibit virus growth,reduce the occurrence of cytokine storms. NRICM101 has been non-exclusively authorized by 8 Taiwanese GMP-certified TCM pharmaceuticals. At present, NRICM101 is seeing an increasing worldwide demand,has received Emergency Use Authorization from the Ministry of HealthWelfare of Taiwan. Asymptomaticmildly ill patients of COVID-19 are expected to benefit from it.
    • 老藥新用對抗新型冠狀病毒

      FutureTech 老藥新用對抗新型冠狀病毒

      By the help of the High Throughput Core Facility of the Genome Center of the Academia Sinica, potential drugs with activity are screened out,the P3 laboratory conducts the antiviral cell experiment of the drug to accurately determine the effect of inhibiting the virus. In addition, the production process of the antiviral drug "Remdesivir" is improved,innovative preparation methods are proposed, which greatly increase the yield of "Remdesivir"effectively reduce the manufacturing cost.
    • 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      FutureTech 新冠肺炎相關研究小鼠小鼠模式之建構

      Our core generated several types of transgenic micea stable humanized ACE2 mice using a combi-CRISPR genetic engineering technique. We hope these mouse models can help to dissect COVID-19 pathogenic mechanismthe interaction(s) between spike proteinACE2 K353.
    • AI動態老藥新用平台及COVID-19應用

      FutureTech AI動態老藥新用平台及COVID-19應用

      We propose an AI dynamics drug repurposing platform applicate on COVID-19. This platform analyzed a large number of structures of SARS-CoV, MERS,cross-species coronavirus 3CL protease-ligand complexes to construct uncovering six flexible active site conformationspharmacophore clusters for SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease screening all FDA drugsfound four inhibitors within three months. Among them, JM206 had even demonstrated ten times better efficacy than Remdesivir in-vitro assayalso show the effect on the in-vivo hamster model to alleviate the symptoms caused by COVID-19.
    • 開發鈀奈米薄膜電化學感測平台用於病毒檢測與抑制分子篩選

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 開發鈀奈米薄膜電化學感測平台用於病毒檢測與抑制分子篩選

      Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infected human cell through ACE2. This study is developing a Pd nano-thin film electrode for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. This invention can quantify neutralize antibody too. The detection platform can be used to screen 1 microliter anti-virus infection drug sample within 21 mins. Compare to SPR standard, our invention only needs 1/10000 concentration of ACE2reaction volume is ~1/30 than SPR. This invention can be adapted in detection of cancer markers,other emergency infection diseasestherapeutic drugs, too.
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