
Technical category
  • 共有:10筆資料
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    • 自主式水下無人載具光學與聲學系統之創新技術開發

      FutureTech 自主式水下無人載具光學與聲學系統之創新技術開發

      This technology integrates acoustic-optical sensing calculationrecognition information,uses hydrophones to estimate the state of dynamic targetsvisually recognizelocate the dynamic target for vehicle motion control. The fusion acoustic-optical sensing architecture can be used according to the target statecharacteristics. By calculatingadapting to the environmenttarget state characteristics, the exploration tasks will be performed.
    • 福衛七號掩星資料之大氣監測與應用

      FutureTech 福衛七號掩星資料之大氣監測與應用

      "NCU/GPSARC developed a 1DVAR RO data retrieval system, which retrieves the FORMOSAT-7 (FS7) RO refractivity to obtain atmospheric temperaturemoisture profiles. The high vertical resolution atmospheric soundings are comparable with radiosondes. The system is one of the components of the TROPS,it is operationally performed by CWB TACC. Based on Chen et al. (2020), we further apply the nonlocal RO operator with FS7 data in an advanced hybrid data assimilation system for the detection of tropical cyclogenesis. The processing systemdetection platform have been implemented at GPSARC."
    • Global Ionospheric Tsunami MonitoringEarly Warning System-Space Buoy

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Global Ionospheric Tsunami MonitoringEarly Warning System-Space Buoy

      The total electron content derived by existing ground-based GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers is used to construct a network of space buoys for real time monitoring traveling ionospheric disturbances triggered by tsunami waves. This space buoy network shall act as a tsunami early warning system confirming the tsunami originpropagation.
    • 次世代擴增實境導航系統

      FutureTech 次世代擴增實境導航系統

      This invention presents a "next-generation augmented reality navigation system” using the generative adversarial network-long short term memory network (GAN-LSTM) framework with integrated GPS module to implement a novel AR navigation system. Unlike the presented AR navigation system, the virtual guided path is "autonomously generated" in captured image rather than superimpose on the image by using the pre-rendered 3D content, which not only provide a more authenticcorrect AR effect to user but also earlycorrectly guide the driver when driving in complex road traffic environment.
    • 羽量積體化車載慣性導航系統

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech 羽量積體化車載慣性導航系統

      We proposed a positioning integrated gyroscope (PIG) with a unit price of less than US$3,000. A pilot test was conducted in the tunnel section. The positioning error of the MEMS gyroscope was 4,300 meters at a moving distance of 7.8 kilometers,because there was no GNSS signal in the tunnel. The signal of GNSS module only uses the built-in IMU for positioning, the maximum error is also 348 meters. We move 7.8 kilometers, the error is 89 meters73 meters, the overall error are MEMS (55), GNSS (4.5),the team's module (1.1), the internationally marketed inertial FOG (0.9).
    • AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      FutureTech AR輔助內視鏡腦手術導航系統

      The AR-assisted endoscopic navigation system for brain surgery combines CT/MRI images, 3D cerebrovascular/nerve models,endoscopic images for surgical planningnavigation. AR glasses can display the 3D navigation inside the patient's skull, providing surgeons with intuitive 3D surgical navigation. In addition, the cerebrovascular/nerve model is also superimposed on the endoscopic image, allowing the surgeon to predict the upcoming surgical situation. The AR display endoscopic images can be simultaneously transmitted to the remote site for assistance through 5G communication.
    • Towards Automatic Hyperspectral Imaging via the Combination of Sample Navigation MappingLaser Scanning Spectral Microscopy

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Towards Automatic Hyperspectral Imaging via the Combination of Sample Navigation MappingLaser Scanning Spectral Microscopy

      Photonic_Workshop@CCMS.NTU has successfully developed a motorized micro-mapping system to explore and navigate samples. This system is able to acquire high resolution images to produce a sample map automatically. This map is also synchronized with the coordinates of motorized stages. This achievement allows users to explore and position their hotspots from the map, and precisely deploy the hotspot to the central field of view by motorized stages. In addition, this mapping system can combine with a laser scanning confocal spectral microscope (LSCSM) to acquire sample spectral mapping. Our result has shown the capability to improve the efficiency of hotspot positioning and data acquisition process.
    • 多AI模型整合的導盲對話系統

      FutureTech 多AI模型整合的導盲對話系統

      The dialogue system is the main subsystem of the visually impaired navigation system, which provides destinations for the navigation system through multiple dialogues. We use the knowledge graph as the basis for reasoning. In terms of close-range navigation, deep learning technology is used to develop RGB camera detection depth algorithm, indoor semantic cutting algorithm, integrated detection depth estimationindoor semantic cutting in indoor obstacle avoidance, etc. The whole system uses the CellS software design framework to integrate distributed AIoT systems.
    • 自主無人機巡檢系統

      FutureTech 自主無人機巡檢系統

      With our autonomous UAV systems, we can effectively reduce many high-riskhigh-cost inspections which require high manpower, such as inspections of dams, river, coastline patrols, etc Operators only need to setuplaunch the system to allow the UAV to complete the designated tasks independently. The UAV will fly autonomously through visual navigation,will detect, record, measuremark the specified objects accordingly, while updating information to the satellite aerial image using spatial positioning technology, so that stakeholders can have a more comprehensive understanding on overall situation.
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