
Technical category
    • 無人化3D智慧海洋養殖場

      FutureTech 無人化3D智慧海洋養殖場

      This research team develops unmanned 3D intelligent marine aquaculture technology, using omni AIoT aquaculture technology, especially strengthening the integration of gyroplane, ROV, unmanned shipcentral control room,using long-distance intelligent control to make employees shift from traditional field work to basecentral control room. Due to the huge cross domain system of omni AIoT, it modularizes it, At the same time, edge computing technology is developed to facilitate commercial promotion.
    • AIoT smart aquaculture management systems

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech AIoT smart aquaculture management systems

      Our team construct an AIoT smart aquaculture management system. The management system mainly consists of: (1) Image Behavior MonitoringAnalysis Subsystem (2) Smart Feeding Subsystem (3) IOT Subsystem including underwater sensors, ROV,Drone (4) Cloud Subsystem (5) Big Data Analysis Subsystem.
    • 人工智能十二導程心電圖偵測心衰竭

      FutureTech 人工智能十二導程心電圖偵測心衰竭

      This Artificial Intelligence model interprets 12-lead electrocardiograms of adults to diagnose heart failure accuratelyefficiently. It is a fabulous heart failure screening tool that can detect more asymptomatic patients. Our goal is to help patients get early treatmentprevent disease deterioration.
    • The establishment of National Biobank Consortium of Taiwan (NBCT)

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech The establishment of National Biobank Consortium of Taiwan (NBCT)

      This project will establish a National biobank consortium of Taiwan through the fund support from the government. The National Health Research Institutes will establish a Central Office for the collaboration works, which includes collecting the number of samples of the human biological database in each biobank that agreed to join the Consortium. All Alliance need to follow the same SOP for the collection processthe quality of the biosample. Adequateconsistent clinical data will also be established under the Information Security Management Treaty. Since the contents of the biobanks from different institute are quite different, we will be able to quickly establish a largecomprehensive biobank network.In line with the need of biotechnologypharmaceutical industries.
    • 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      FutureTech 建置國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台

      This project will establish a National biobank consortium of Taiwan (NBCT) through the fund supportgovernance from the government. All Alliance will follow the same SOP for the biomaterial collectionhave the same quality of the biosample. Adequateconsistent clinical data will also be established under well information security management. Since the contents of the biobanks from different institute are quite different, we will be able to quickly establish a largecomprehensive biobank network. In line with the needs of biotechnology pharmaceutical, artificial intelligence, auxiliary medicalother industries.
    • 智慧魚苗生產系統

      FutureTech 智慧魚苗生產系統

      The invention focuses on the early fry culture, including algae, live-food organism, water quality control, fine image detection,automated intelligent culture technology. By connecting environmental parameter sensing equipment, fine image observation equipment, automatic feedback/delivering equipment,central intelligent learning/processing platform, an intelligent production system of aquatic fry can be completed,the big data on production parameters can be collected, optimizing breeding strategiesefficiency,increasing the breeding profitability more than 10 times.
    • 智能手術壓力偵測系統

      FutureTech 智能手術壓力偵測系統

      This technology develops an intelligent surgical pressure detection system, including a pressure sensing element embedded in a surgical cotton pad, a signal reading device,a big data analysis database. The measurement data can be transferred to the AI big data database. Using AI technology, the surgeon's force can be recognized in real timethe calculation result can be immediately returned to the system APP. Let the surgeon who performs the operation get the most real-time information, which can avoid organ damage during the operation,effectively protect the safety of patientsthe rights of physicians.
    • Consumables-free, remote,rapid optical detection of plant pathogensDr. Lan

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech Consumables-free, remote,rapid optical detection of plant pathogensDr. Lan

      Based on the optical fluorescence of the plant, the technology distinguishes the difference of the main protein infected by virus from the normal ones with the feature light. The main difference of this technology is to omit the complicatedbiochemical-material- consumption procedures. With the establishment of big data, the artificial intelligence algorithm identifies whether the implant is.
    • Wireless Biomedical Theranostic System on a Chip

      Medical Devices FutureTech Wireless Biomedical Theranostic System on a Chip

      This project designs a biomedical theranostic chip for neural disorders. It can not only function as an implantable device for treating the Parkinson's disease, depression, dementia, but also monitor physiological signals in wearable devices. For the development of medical device, the NeuLive system based on the microchip can accelerate the pre-clinical data collectionverification.
    • Artificial Intelligence for Customs Fraud Detection

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Artificial Intelligence for Customs Fraud Detection

      With the astronomically growing trade flows, customs administrations need effective and explainable methods to detect suspicious transactions. This project presents a novel artificial intelligence-based model named DATE that ranks trade flows in the order of fraud risk and to maximize customs revenue. We confirm the superiority of DATE over state-of-the-art AI models, with a remarkable precision of 92.7% on illegal cases and a recall of 49.3% on revenue after inspecting only 1% of all trade flows. Predictions of DATE are also interpretable from the attention mechanism. We are deploying DATE in Nigeria and Malawi Customs Services, in collaboration with the World Customs Organization (WCO). DATE has been published in ACM KDD 2020, which is an AI top conference.
    • 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析診斷平台

      3D digital pathology imagingAI auxiliary diagnosis platform integrates 3D pathology sample preparation, high speed image scanning,intelligent software analysis into a novel system. We have collaborated with clinical pathologists to develop both 3D biopsy pathology imaging workflowthe world first 3D pathology image analysis software MetaLite, along with AI models pathology feature annotationquantitative analysis of solid tumor with high accuracy can be rapidly processed. We have transferred patented technology to start up JelloX Biotech Inc. at NTHU for further operation.
    • 智慧都市治理:融合AIOT與即時城市異質大數據之時空預測模型

      FutureTech 智慧都市治理:融合AIOT與即時城市異質大數據之時空預測模型

      We propose a spatial-temporal inference model, which uses a large amount of spatialtemporal data in the city to help governmentsenterprises predict future long-short-term important urban indicator values, such as traffic flow, human mobility, pollution level, number of criminal caseseven commercial profitability. The SIM model exploits IoT to integrate multiple real-time geospatial big data, including population, the flow of people, geographical data, Traffic,real-time sensor values. SIM can make effective predictionsprovide explainability for making decisions.
    • 智慧急診即時決策支援系統:住院安排、停留時間、暨相似病歷取回之妥善化技術

      FutureTech 智慧急診即時決策支援系統:住院安排、停留時間、暨相似病歷取回之妥善化技術

      The core concept of the decision support system is to establish machine learning-based predictive modelsenable their interpretability to support physicians making clinical decisions in practice. The developed technique is part of the capstone project named "Smart Emergency Department," sponsored by the Ministry of ScienceTechnology. The system comprises NTUH (National Taiwan University Hospital) EMR (Electronic Medical Record) importance analysis, accurate clinical quality indicator prediction,similar medical record retrieval. It is expected to improve the patients' flowalleviate emergency department crowding. It has been verified in retrospective studieswill officially enter the clinical trial phase this year.
    • Flexible PPG sensor patch

      Medical Devices FutureTech Flexible PPG sensor patch

      A flexible PPG sensor patch for measuring pulsations of blood vessels estimating ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). The measured quality PPG signals are analyzed to estimate blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), blood oxygen (SpO2)atrial fibrillation (A-Fib)avoid motion artifacts. In this way, with subject’s physiological condition apprehended accurately.
    • 3D皮膚光掃描儀

      FutureTech 3D皮膚光掃描儀

      Our solution is able to noninvasively reconstruct 3D skin microstructuremicroangiography with micrometer-scale resolutions for diagnoses of skin disorders. Moreover, various skin parameters can be quantitatively evaluated from 3D images according to the proposed algorithms, including the thickness of stratum corneum, the thickness of epidermis, water concentration, collagen concentration,skin roughness. The developed technique can be applied to different clinical environments including hospitalscosmetic clinics for diagnosesanalyses of skin.
    • AI大數據輔助技術發展路徑分析機制以協助產業創新研發

      FutureTech AI大數據輔助技術發展路徑分析機制以協助產業創新研發

      "AI is applied to assist data cleaningcross-database authority control of namesinstitutions in the bibliographic materials such as patents, papersresearch projects. The evolution analysis of industrial technology development is based on the AIbigdata output of technology development in terms of global industries. Next, the focus narrows down to local view, in order to compare each countryinstitute’s technology development path. By using the technology gap model, the strengthsshortcomings of each countryinstitute comparing to the global mainstream development can be implied."
    • 冠狀動脈電腦斷層全自動血管管腔分割系統(TaiCAD-Net)

      FutureTech 冠狀動脈電腦斷層全自動血管管腔分割系統(TaiCAD-Net)

      In order to develop an AI model that can accuratelycompletely segment coronary arteries, our team, the TW-CVAI, has established a training dataset composed of strictly verified annotations of coronary lumen boundaries in coronary CT angiography (CCTA). We designed a deep learning model, two-channel 3D-UNet, with a priori prerequisite (vesselness prior) to facilitate identification of vascular structures. The final model, the TaiCAD-Net, greatly shortens the CCTA interpretation time from 6 hours to 10 minutes, with the overall segmentation accuracy of 86 by Dice similarity coefficient.
    • 智慧型偏頭痛預警及神經電刺激輔助治療系統

      FutureTech 智慧型偏頭痛預警及神經電刺激輔助治療系統

      Migraine patients account for about 640 million people (15) in the world,about 1.75 million (9.1) in Taiwan. Our team had developed a wearable brain-computer interface system with the newly developed graphene dry electrodeadaptive noise subspace reconstruction technology. This system combined the physiological indicators before migraine attacksuses AI technology to build an intelligent migraine early warning system,combined BrainSTIM electrical stimulation technology to assist migraine patients.
    • AIBig Data Analytics for Energy SavingChiller Configuration Optimization

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo AIBig Data Analytics for Energy SavingChiller Configuration Optimization

      This technique employs AIbig data analytics to precisely forecast cooling load demandestimate efficiency of different chiller combinations. Time-of-Use Pricingoptimal chiller load interval are also considered for practical needs. Decision supports of optimal chiller configuration are provided to enhance energy conservation.
    • Efficiency Boosting System for Computer Numerical Control Milling Machine Based on AIBig Data Analytics

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Efficiency Boosting System for Computer Numerical Control Milling Machine Based on AIBig Data Analytics

      This technique combines more than one AI models to precisely predict current under noisy data from current sensoroptimizes speed rate based on this AI forecasting model. At the same time, it considers the practical requirementslimitations of workpiece surface roughness, tool machine current load, etc. This technique provides decision supports for optimizing parameters of CNC milling machine to keep high efficiencyenhance energy conservation.
    • AI動態老藥新用平台及COVID-19應用

      FutureTech AI動態老藥新用平台及COVID-19應用

      We propose an AI dynamics drug repurposing platform applicate on COVID-19. This platform analyzed a large number of structures of SARS-CoV, MERS,cross-species coronavirus 3CL protease-ligand complexes to construct uncovering six flexible active site conformationspharmacophore clusters for SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease screening all FDA drugsfound four inhibitors within three months. Among them, JM206 had even demonstrated ten times better efficacy than Remdesivir in-vitro assayalso show the effect on the in-vivo hamster model to alleviate the symptoms caused by COVID-19.
    • 智能工廠之冰機運轉優化與聰明節能大數據分析技術

      FutureTech 智能工廠之冰機運轉優化與聰明節能大數據分析技術

      This technique employs AIbig data analytics to precisely forecast cooling load demandestimates the efficiency of different chiller combinations. Time-of-Use Pricingoptimal chiller load-interval are also considered for practical needs. Decision supports of optimal chiller configuration is provided to enhance energy conservation. Moreover, using real data feedbackmodel health examination, the model can do self-calibrationmake evolution, continuously learn from the experts,provide decision supports in good quality.
    • The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform

      This project aims to incorporate the state-of-the-art InformationCommunication Technologies (ICT), the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data techniques in linking every aspect of community-based integrated long-term care (LTC), improving the efficiency of care servicesadministrative process,to realize the idea of Aging in Place emphasized in the Long-term Care Policy 2.0 in Taiwan.
    • 超音波非破壞檢測電動車商用鋰電池健康狀態

      FutureTech 超音波非破壞檢測電動車商用鋰電池健康狀態

      "1.Background: The deterioration of lithium batteries leads to safetycost issues. Ultrasonic detection has the advantages of cost, size,immediacy. 2.Detection: Under the control environment, the ultrasonic signal is actuated on each part of the battery,the reflectedtransmitted wave is collected. 3.Analysis: It has methods such as spectrum, image,DL to evaluate the SoH, the distribution of degradation types,the location of faulty cells in the battery module. 4.Theory: Use the acoustic properties of the battery with software simulation to verify the measured data."
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