
Technical category
    • 人工智慧於息肉狀脈絡膜血管病變之診斷與治療決策之應用

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 人工智慧於息肉狀脈絡膜血管病變之診斷與治療決策之應用

      This system help doctors to distinguish age-related macular degeneration (ARMD)polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) by color fundus photography. We have collected large image dataset from Taipei Veterans General Hospitalother hospitals to establishvalidate CNN model, which had been tested by external image datasetmodified to improve the accuracy of the AI model.
    • Occlusion resistant face detectionrecognition system

      AI & IOT Application Innotech Expo Occlusion resistant face detectionrecognition system

      The system, “Occluded Resistant Face DetectionRecognition System”, contains different scale detectors for calculating face locations. Additive angular margin loss is added into the training phase for achieving high efficiencyaccuracy. The system can achieves 80 accuracy under the 50 face occluded.
    • Intelligent Image RecognitionAnalysis System for Small-sized Insect Pest

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Intelligent Image RecognitionAnalysis System for Small-sized Insect Pest

      This study built an automatic insect pest image identification system based on tiny Yolov3 deep learning model. By optimizing the tiny Yolov3 detection model, images of insect pests on scanned sticky paper can be automatically identified. The system achieves a testing accuracy of 0.93, 0.90 for whitefliesthrips respectively.
    • AI Liver Tumor Detector

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech AI Liver Tumor Detector

      Our technique is a liver tumor detection method using machine learning which is the most popular AI technique in these years. the high-magnification image provides more details, but the view is smaller in contrast, a low-magnification image has the larger view but less details. Thus, our method combines the two magnificationsyields more accurate tumor detection results.
    • 陣列感測光達之智慧三維感測影像處理系統

      FutureTech 陣列感測光達之智慧三維感測影像處理系統

      Artificial intelligence 3D sensing image processing system based on array sensing Lidar aims to construct 3D image with high-quality immersion for AR/VR. The developed 3D scene recording system is based on the color camerahigh-accuracy chaotic LiDAR. The chaotic Lidar with APD arrayTOF sensors supports millimeter-accuracyinterference-avoiding capability within 100 meter in both indooroutdoor environments. High-performance embedded CNN processor supports high-throughput, high energy-efficient,low DRAM bandwidth computations for various image AI applications.
    • 人工智慧輔助胰臟癌偵測工具-PANCREASaver

      FutureTech 人工智慧輔助胰臟癌偵測工具-PANCREASaver

      PANCREASaver contains a “PC automatic segmentation model” (image segmentation)a “PC analysis AI model” (image classification) that can read the DICOM format of postcontrast CT images directly for the automatic analysis process. After conducting prep-processing with image processing algorithms, C2FNAS is employed to illustrate the tumor position prior to the diagnosis conducted by CNN. The results can be provided to the physician for diagnostic reference so as to reduce early omissionsincrease the detection rate of pancreatic cancer.
    • Artificial Intelligent 3D Sensing Image Processing System for Array Sensing Lidar

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Artificial Intelligent 3D Sensing Image Processing System for Array Sensing Lidar

      High-accuracy 3D sensingAI image processing system for constructing high-quality immersion 3D image for AR/VR. Chaotic Lidar with APD arrayTOF sensors supports millimeter-accuracyinterference-avoiding capability. High-performance CNN processor supports high-performancelow DRAM bandwidth computations for various image AI applications.
    • Neuromorphic Intelligent Visual System for Low-Power Edge Devices

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Neuromorphic Intelligent Visual System for Low-Power Edge Devices

      1.Low-Power Processing-in-sensor CMOS Image Sensor 2.Implementation of Low-PowerLow-Latency Deep Learning Chip based on Neuromorphic Intelligence (collaborated with MOST 108-2622-8-007-009) 3.Development of Neuromorphic Chip based on The Fruit Fly VisualSpatial Sensory Systems 4.Hardware-Software Co-Design for Neuromorphic AI Chips
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