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    • 智慧型偏頭痛預警及神經電刺激輔助治療系統

      FutureTech 智慧型偏頭痛預警及神經電刺激輔助治療系統

      Migraine patients account for about 640 million people (15) in the world,about 1.75 million (9.1) in Taiwan. Our team had developed a wearable brain-computer interface system with the newly developed graphene dry electrodeadaptive noise subspace reconstruction technology. This system combined the physiological indicators before migraine attacksuses AI technology to build an intelligent migraine early warning system,combined BrainSTIM electrical stimulation technology to assist migraine patients.
    • 腦電波控制功能性電刺激活動輔具系統

      FutureTech 腦電波控制功能性電刺激活動輔具系統

      We have developed a movement assistive system using EEG-controlled functional electric stimulation system. Users’ movement intentions are recognized by brain computer interface, implemented by deep learning network,the detected users’ intentions are then translated into commands to trigger a functional electric stimulation (FES) device to activate users’ particular movements, such as grasping, hand raising, holding a cup, etc. In our study, we have designed our own wireless dry-electrode EEG systemour own FES system.
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