
Technical category
    • 多維度城市地震動態衝擊模擬

      FutureTech 多維度城市地震動態衝擊模擬

      Using seismic impact simulation to dynamic display the three-dimensional structure modeling of active fault model,dynamic response on 3D building, utilize augmented reality (AR) technology to show the building dynamic simulation mixed-reality.
    • 多都卜勒雷達三維風場合成技術(WISSDOM)於劇烈天氣監測與研究之應用

      FutureTech 多都卜勒雷達三維風場合成技術(WISSDOM)於劇烈天氣監測與研究之應用

      "WISSDOM uses radial winds observed by multiple Doppler weather radars to synthesize the 3D wind fields in the atmosphere. Using variational approach to make the retrieved winds satisfy the following mathematicalphysical laws : (1)The geometric relationship between the retrieved windsthe radial winds observed by each individual radar (2)anelastic continuity equation (3)vertical vorticity equation (4) background wind field (5) Laplacian smoothing term. Special treatment is made allowing direct wind retrieval over complex terrain, which is necessary for weather analysis in Taiwan."
    • 陣列感測光達之智慧三維感測影像處理系統

      FutureTech 陣列感測光達之智慧三維感測影像處理系統

      Artificial intelligence 3D sensing image processing system based on array sensing Lidar aims to construct 3D image with high-quality immersion for AR/VR. The developed 3D scene recording system is based on the color camerahigh-accuracy chaotic LiDAR. The chaotic Lidar with APD arrayTOF sensors supports millimeter-accuracyinterference-avoiding capability within 100 meter in both indooroutdoor environments. High-performance embedded CNN processor supports high-throughput, high energy-efficient,low DRAM bandwidth computations for various image AI applications.
    • Artificial Intelligent 3D Sensing Image Processing System for Array Sensing Lidar

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech Artificial Intelligent 3D Sensing Image Processing System for Array Sensing Lidar

      High-accuracy 3D sensingAI image processing system for constructing high-quality immersion 3D image for AR/VR. Chaotic Lidar with APD arrayTOF sensors supports millimeter-accuracyinterference-avoiding capability. High-performance CNN processor supports high-performancelow DRAM bandwidth computations for various image AI applications.
    • 多光子激發之高光譜顯微影像技術

      FutureTech 多光子激發之高光譜顯微影像技術

      We have successfully developed a multiphoton-induced hyperspectral microscopy based on a 1064 nm femtosecond excitation source. Nonlinear excitation by the laser localized to the focal point allows efficient non-descanned detection (NDD) while achieving optically sectioned imaging. The use of 1064 nm laser excitation increases the imaging depth while minimizing sample damage. The system combines the advantages of NDD for 3D imagingrich spectral information through confocal hyperspectral imaging, leading to potential applications in the emerging material R&Dbiomedical research.
    • 轉移奈米結構的方法及具有奈米結構的裝置

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech 轉移奈米結構的方法及具有奈米結構的裝置

      Devices with physical flexibilitystretchability have attracted a great deal of interest for use in wearable electronic technologylarge-area electronics, including displays, energy harvesters, energy storage devices, distributed sensor networks,Internet of Things applications. The present invention relates to methods for growingtransferring single-crystal III-nitride nanorodstwo dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDs) nanostructures,devices having the transferred nanostructures for flexible device, microLED,3DIC fabrications.
    • 器官晶片-三維細胞培養與藥物測試篩選的陣列平台

      Precision Health Ecosystem FutureTech 器官晶片-三維細胞培養與藥物測試篩選的陣列平台

      Lung-on-minilab is designed as a tool for personalized healthcarewill contribute in precision medicine. Here, the tumor microenvironment was reconstituted using liquid dielectrophoresisarranged as lung tissue. The size of pattern can be customized as stages of cancer. Additionally, this chip was equipped a gradient microfluidic channel which enabled testing combination of medications. This is the first device where chemotherapyimmunotherapy medications can be tested together. This will improve the screening timeserve as an alternative for patients in therapeutic try.
    • MethodStructure of stacking 3D-IC Employing Controlled-Grain Semiconductor Film

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech MethodStructure of stacking 3D-IC Employing Controlled-Grain Semiconductor Film

      The location of controlled-grain Si island is determined by the pattern of “cooling holes”. The grain size is determined by the distance between “holes” due to lateral grain growth using pulse laser crystallization. This predictability allows the transistorscircuits to stay away from the grain boundaries for monolithic
    • 微電漿系統製程三維孔洞奈米材於紙基材應用於高產氫、高靈敏性拉曼、高催化

      FutureTech 微電漿系統製程三維孔洞奈米材於紙基材應用於高產氫、高靈敏性拉曼、高催化

      Here we developed a fastgreen process of micro-plasma system for three-dimensional porous nanomaterials on low-cost paper substrates. The characteristics are low-cost, flexible,high-stability. It has three major applications, including increasing Raman measument, the detection process can be used with portable Raman spectroscopy for fast sensing,it can quickly analyze pesticides, food, drugs, etc. In addition, it can be equipped with boron nitride for high hydrogen productionhigh pollution biodegradationother applications.
    • Satellite Remote Sensing of Aerosol Profile in 3D PM2.5 Construction for Regional Air Pollution Monitoring

      Electronic & Optoelectronics FutureTech Satellite Remote Sensing of Aerosol Profile in 3D PM2.5 Construction for Regional Air Pollution Monitoring

      Concerning the uncertainty of assuming well-mixed aerosols within the planetary boundary layer, a sensible aerosol vertical distribution described by a log-normal fitting function is proposed to provide more realistic single-peak extinction profile with a decadal MPL in situ dataset. The performance of fitted single-peak aerosol profiles can reach up 0.8973 of correlation coefficient when considering the seasonal variations in PBLH and the surface layer height of well-mixed aerosols. Eventually, not only the aerosol extinction profile but also the 3-dimensional distribution are promising to be created from satellite AOD retrieval with PBLH information for providing accurate PM2.5 monitoring over a regional scale.
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