
Technical category
    • (test)Application of inorganic nanofiber technology to promote the development of biotechnology

      Smart machinerynovel materials FutureTech (test)Application of inorganic nanofiber technology to promote the development of biotechnology

      Inorganic porous nanofibers with surfaceinterface defects are prepared through humidity-controlled electrospinninghigh-temperature annealing technology. Under the irradiation of light sources of different wavelengths (380~780 nm), the bound electrons stored in the valence band can be excited to the conduction band to form free electrons on the surface of the material, generating different intensities of microcurrents, light sensitivitymicrocurrent changes. Because the "inorganic nanofiber" technology has high uniquenesshigh product compatibility, it can be applied to a wide range of markets.
    • 5D智慧城市─SmartES平台

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech 5D智慧城市─SmartES平台

      NCREE has originally developed 5D digital space—on the basis of 3D city modelsconnections of different kinds of sensors around the world— is an online to offline virtual space with a combination of rising 5G technology advantages. Collectingreorganizing various 3D cartographic data with Building Information Modeling (BIM), satellite imagery, UAV 3D modeling, LiDar point cloud data, etc., can increase the diversity of the buildinglandscape. 5D+5G smart city platform would accelerate the 5D smart city to become the digital twin of a real city.
    • The Application of Intelligent Agricultural Control System on Orchard

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech The Application of Intelligent Agricultural Control System on Orchard

      This project integrated with industrial foresight technologies, including UAV, artificial intelligenceimage recognition, to collect real-time images, apply algorithm in evaluation, link the technology of IOT (Internet of Things)environment sensing,use unmanned vehicle to conduct controlling work.
    • 應用作物生理指標建立需水超前預警系統

      FutureTech 應用作物生理指標建立需水超前預警系統

      This technique uses Tainan 11 (TN11), which occupies about 70 of the rice planting area in Taiwan. Building the early watering warning system of crops by combining the physiological indicators of rice with environmental dataartificial intelligence technology. The system can analyzepredict the impending water shortage for rice in advanceissue drought warning immediately. Therefore, decision makers can give the timelyappropriate amount for rice irrigationimprove the efficiency of using waterreducing the cost of farmersfarming losses.
    • Air/ground cooperation for optimal rice harvesting model

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Air/ground cooperation for optimal rice harvesting model

      The Air/Ground cooperation for optimal rice harvesting model is established to provide a visual harvesting decision service on a cloud platform. Drones and mobile devices are employing to estimate grain moisture and forecast the variation of harvest moisture content (HMC) in the coming days by huge amounts of imagery data, deep learning algorithms, and weather forecasts. This model can benefit in several aspects, such as setting an accurate and comprehensive optimal harvest schedule, reducing the cost of agricultural apparatus and barn ovens, ensuring the rice quality, and maximizing farmers' benefits. The potential value of the model practice could be more than a billion in Taiwan.
    • 應用於精準醫學與智慧育種之基因體重組與品質評估整合平台

      FutureTech 應用於精準醫學與智慧育種之基因體重組與品質評估整合平台

      We are proposing a pipeline including de novo genome assemblywhole genome SNP array design to improve the practice in precision medicineprecision agriculture. We design GABOLA, a de novo genome assembly system, combining advantages in leading sequencing platform, to construct completeaccurate individual genomes. GABOLA can resolve large structural variants, fills the gap in human reference genome,avoid the bias from reference genome. We combine the knowledge of population geneticsfunctional information to design whole genome SNP array to aid future genomic study.
    • Super AI HPC System

      AI & IOT Application FutureTech Super AI HPC System

      Super fast terapixel server allows multiple users to viewanalyze gigapixelterapixel images with mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPads, Android mobiles,laptops at the same time. Users could annotateanalyze the data using built-in tools such as 3d effect, color deconvolution, color quantification, nuclei/object detection, lengtharea measurement,quantitative reporting system.
    • Sky window for sun light modulation

      Smart machinerynovel materials Innotech Expo Sky window for sun light modulation

      The proposed technology erects the solar panel in installation. The reflector can be adjusted to modulate the percentage of sunlight for photovoltaic generationillumination in corresponding to the change of weatherseason.