Technical Name 微生物製劑之多元效益的智慧監控舆管理
Project Operator National Chung Hsing University
Project Host 黃振文
By integration of professions including phytopathology, pesticides analysis, aquaticlivestock management, microbial fermentation, epidemiology,artificial intelligence, our interdisciplinary team jointly have developed microbial products for multi-industry applications including crop health care, circular agriculture, livestockaquaculture. The intelligent monitoring modelsmanagement technology for evaluating the efficacy of microbial products are implemented to provide key time pointdecision support for microbial products application,in turns to enhance the application efficacy. The developed microbial agentstechnology would greatly reduce the use of chemical pesticidesantibioticsenhance agricultural output valuemarket competitiveness.
Scientific Breakthrough
Our interdisciplinary team jointly have developed microbial products for multi-industry applications in crop health care, circular agriculture, livestockaquaculture. B. subtilis 151B1B. licheniformis EC3401 as feed additives can improve the growth of fishesshrimps, enhance disease resistance, modulate intestinal microflora, improve water quality,modulate macroalgae diversity in the farming water. Strains 151B1E3401 have ability to degrade chemical insecticidesfungicide, which can solve the problem of potential pesticide residues in recyclingapplication of agricultural by-product resources. The innovative technology for monitoring the efficacythe optimal time of microbial agent application by artificial intelligence systems is developing.
Industrial Applicability
The microbial agentsapplication technology of Bacillus subtilis 151B1, Bacillus licheniformis E3401,Bacillus coagulans BC1 could be used as biopesticides, biofertilizers, feed additives, for improving water quality in aquaculture,for pesticide degradation. These beneficial microbial products could be applied in multi-industry including agriculture, aquaculture,livestock, help expanding the marketenhancing the competiveness of the products. The innovative technology for monitoring the efficacythe optimal time for microbial agent application by artificial intelligence systems could be used as an aid for precise evaluationdecision-making support.
Matching Needs
Keyword aquafeeds artificial intelligence biopesticides biofertilizers feed additives microbial agents microbiome hyperspectral imaging phenotyping improvement of water quality pesticide degradation
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