Technical Name 基於容器化技術之智慧型預測保養系統
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University Intelligent Manufacturing Research Center
Project Host 黃憲成
The IPMC system can detect possible abnormal signs in advancepredict the RUL of the machine before it fails so that it can effectively avoid unscheduled downtimeprevent enormous losses. The IPMC system also exploits the advantages of cloud computingContainer technology such as rapid deployment, failover,lightweight to enhance its performanceportability.
Scientific Breakthrough
The IPMC system exploits the advantages of Container technology such as rapid deployment, failover,lightweight along with cloud computing to enhance the IPM system framework to increase its portability to other platforms. The IPMC system includes the ABPM scheme, TSP Modeling Module, RUL Prediction Module,Death Correlation Index. It will automatically apply suitable algorithms based on different requirements of the componentsmonitor the health status of the key components.
Industrial Applicability
The IPMC system has been successfully implemented to InnoluxChum Power. IPMC has been used to monitor the health status of 16 Turbo pumps in the dry etch machine of Innoluxwill proceed on the fab-wide deployment of 170 Turbo pumps. While in Chum Power, IPMC has been implemented to 5 different key componentsfinished the fan-out process. The overall return on investment (ROI) is 363the payback period is 7.8 months.
Matching Needs
Keyword Intelligent Predictive Maintenance Time Series Analysis Advanced Baseline Predictive Maintenance Container Virtualization Technology
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