Technical Name AI大數據輔助技術發展路徑分析機制以協助產業創新研發
Project Operator Center for Research in Econometric TheoryApplications, NTU
Project Host 陳達仁
"AI is applied to assist data cleaningcross-database authority control of namesinstitutions in the bibliographic materials such as patents, papersresearch projects.
The evolution analysis of industrial technology development is based on the AIbigdata output of technology development in terms of global industries. Next, the focus narrows down to local view, in order to compare each countryinstitute’s technology development path. By using the technology gap model, the strengthsshortcomings of each countryinstitute comparing to the global mainstream development can be implied."
Scientific Breakthrough
Quantitative analytic method enables cross-levels, cross-industries, cross-institutes analysis, using large database to dilute the bias. However, this method may ignore tons of details which should be taken into notice. Since these details could not be captured through previous methods, the team aims to solve the problem by this project - “Applying AIbig data technology development analysis mechanism to support industrial innovation researchdevelopment.” The project determines to overcome the previous shortcomingsto propose a cross-domain, cross-database technology development path analysis model.
Industrial Applicability
our team sets up a database including patent output of technology researchdevelopment achievement, scientific research paper output,the sciencetechnology project results of subsidy programs. With the application of AI machine learning model, the researchdevelopment performance of countries/ industries/ institutes/ individuals can be evaluated.The above analysis is a reliable reference for enterprises when it comes to monitoring technology development, selecting alternative technology, evaluating partnershipinvesting low technical risk market.
Matching Needs
Keyword Technology Trajectory Technology Path Main Path Analysis Informetrics Analysis Artificial Intelligence Big Data Analysis Document Database Patent Analysis Research Project Database
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