Technical Name 設施蘆筍農業機具與智能作物生產決策系統
Project Operator National Taiwan University
Project Host 江昭皚
An automated agricultural machinean intelligent crop production decision-making system are developed for greenhouse asparagus growth monitoring. Automationenergy-saving machinery technologiesInternet of Things/information communication techniques are adopted to achieve the goal of "saving laboreffort"improve "management technologies". The developed machinesystem can greatly improve the qualityquantity of domestic asparagus production,achieve the dual goals of stabilizing the outputenhancing quality of harvested asparagus.
Scientific Breakthrough
The developed automated labor-saving machine improves the efficiency of cuttingshredding the mother stems of asparagus. A smart monitoring platform built upon the Internet of Things technology is also established for production managementimage identification for asparagus growth. Greenhouse asparagus monitoring dataasparagus growth data are combined to establish an asparagus growth modelan asparagus yield prediction model for Taiwan’s asparagus industry. These models can provide critical production management suggestions to farmers in real time, improve the yieldsquality of greenhouse asparagus,increase farmers' income.
Industrial Applicability
Combined with forward-looking technologies, such as automated labor-saving machinery, Internet of Things technology, machine learning techniques, smart production management methods, the developed asparagus monitoringdecision-making systems for greenhouse asparagus utilize an Internet of Things-based monitoring platforman image capture system to greatly reduce labor burden in the asparagus production. The developed asparagus production management systemcrop growth model can also increase the yieldquality of tender stems,improve the overall efficiency of the asparagus production.
Matching Needs
Keyword Automation intelligence machine Greenhouse asparagus Internet of things Production traceability Image recognition Artificial intelligence
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