Technical Name 川崎症光學即時檢測方法及裝置
Project Operator Kaoshiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Project Host 郭和昌
Swelling at the extremities of the extremities is quite common in KD,it is one of the five major diagnostic criteria for KD. According to the results of our research, about 90 of the children will have this symptomis the most important symptoms of KD suggested by American Heart Association. Our research also found that albumin  decreased,the degree of reduction is obviously positively related to the severity of the disease, so we have developed a theory that can detect water, hemethe optical method of oxygen. Provides a non-intrusive method for quick differentiation.
Scientific Breakthrough
The basic principle of the optical detection system in this study is to use the differences in absorption spectra of different components in human tissue corresponding to different wavelengths to detect the heme content, moisture content,blood oxygen concentration in the tissue. The results showed a sensitivity of up to 80, a positive predictive value of up to 82.76,the accuracy rate is as high as 81.32. The blind test  also showed high sensitivity of 80, positive predictive value of 84.21 ,accuracy rate of 82.54.
Industrial Applicability
Early diagnosis of KDthe administration of high-dose immunoglobulin are the key points of treatment.A set of immunoglobulin treatments cost approximately NT$50,000 to NT$100,000 . Therefore, the development of an accuraterapid assisted diagnosis platform is beneficial to early diagnosistreatment. The diagnosis of KD is still depends on the subjective judgment of symptoms by clinician. If a fever occurs for more than 3 days, children will need to use this diagnostic method. The market is quite largehas a high profit margin.
Matching Needs
Keyword Optical detection device and method Kawasaki disease Non-invasive
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