Technical Name 摩擦攪拌銲接模組化刀把
Project Operator National Chung Cheng University
Project Host 劉德騏
The technology designs a modular friction stir welding tool holder. This welding tool holder integrates a variety of functions, including constant pressure welding, temperature monitoring, removable FSW tool design,can be clamped to an existing CNCmachine. The advantage is that it can realize the function of automatic exchange for friction stir weldingCNC milling in one machine. Breaking through the previous friction stir welding, you need to buy a friction stir welding machine, which is expensive to obtain.
Scientific Breakthrough
The technology combines the relevant functional components of friction stir welding into a small module, which can be directly installed on the CNC machine to achieve the purpose of friction stir welding. It is fully automated. The switch between weldingmilling can be completed in one minute.
Industrial Applicability
The domestic application of friction stir welding industry demand is increasing day by day, including semiconductor equipmentits key components, wafer packaging test part,sputtering equipment parts have begun to use friction stir welding technology its applications range from traditional heavy industry to high-tech semiconductor industry. The friction stir welding modular tool holder can improve production efficiencyreduce production costs.
Matching Needs
Keyword Friction stir welding welding Semiconductor parts Machine tool tool holder
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