Technical Name 階層式零接觸生理監測呼吸照護平台
Project Operator Taipei Medical University
Project Host 劉文德
Combined with millimeter wave radar detection of chest undulation breathing modeheart rate, continuous blood oxygen detection, active disease record of chat robot,mobile phone analysis of 30 second sittingstanding alternate activity frequency mode, a set of personalized respiratory capacity benchmark is established through AI modeling, which can be applied to zero-contact respiratory physiological monitoringuseful for infectious disease ward, epidemic prevention hotels, centralized quarantine centers.
Scientific Breakthrough
"1. Nocturnal blood oxygen detection is importance for the physiological monitoring of infectious respiratory diseases , because the respiratory system will have a reduced ventilation during sleep,the middle-agedelderly people are more prone to sleep apnea. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor continuous nocturnal breathing patternsblood oxygen changes. 
2. Multi-dimensional information can be modeled through AI to establish personalized respiratory function benchmark, which will be more sensitive to provide early medical intervention"
Industrial Applicability
"1. Long-term continuous monitoring of respiratory physiological signals with zero-contact devices. 
2. Millimeter wave radar can also detect the daily physical activity patterns, which can be used as an assessment of the overall activity level. This is an important message of deteriorationimprovement of the disease. 
3 . The cost of the system is low (millimeter wave radar + continuous blood oxygen recording + mobile phone chatting robot),it can detect night blood oxygen to find potential sleep-disordered patients"
Matching Needs
Keyword Millimeter wave radar Zero-contact physiological monitoring system Continuous pulse oximeter monitoring
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