Technical Name COVID-19動物模式- 擬人化小鼠及免疫分析平台
Project Operator National Laboratory Animal Center, National Applied Research Laboratories
Project Host 秦咸靜
Two COVID-19 animal models, including humanized Ace2 micehuman peripheral blood lymphocyte transplanted mice, are used to mimic COVID-19 infection, immune responsecytokine release syndrome in human. The immune analytical platform can further outline the immune cell, cytokinebiomarker response pattern after viral infection. The COVID-19 humanized animal modelthe immune analytical platform will support COVID-19 related researchfacilitate new drugnew therapy validation.
Scientific Breakthrough
The humanized ACE2 model employed a unique human/mouse chimeric receptor design to mimic viral entry ability of human ACE2 receptorremain the intracellular signal transduction ability of mouse Ace2 receptor. The hPBMC-HIS ASID mice is a novel CRS model that can reveal the immune profile , such as IL-6, IFN-TNF-, in cytokine release syndrome after severe infection.  The immune analytical platform can further outline the immune cell, cytokinebiomarker response pattern after viral infection.
Industrial Applicability
The humanized modelsthe analytical platform can be used for the evaluation of preclinical antiviral therapyvaccine effectiveness.
Matching Needs
Keyword pathological analysis blood biochemistry cytokine immunohistochemistry viral particle immune cells T cell macrophage neutrophil flow cytometry
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