Technical Name 精子快篩晶片
Project Operator Center for Emergent Functional Matter Science
Project Host 許千樹
Infertility is a serious globe issue, especially in the developed countries, over 20%infertile male has sperm problems, that include instance immotile, abnormal morphology and low sperm quantity. Therefore, how to isolate high quality sperm for clinical use is extremely required. Up to date, activity sperm sorting is usually using Swiming-up and Density gradient centrifugation approaches. Unfortunately, both methods are detrimental to the sperm viability and elicits production of reactive oxygen species. Separation sperm by microfluidics has been put emphasis on and studied; however, it faced some challenge such as low throughput and an unacceptable recover rate.
Scientific Breakthrough
We developed a new type of microfluidic chip with utilizing the characteristic of sperm anadromous instinct for high-throughput sperm separation. The process can be finished in 10 min, which his 10 times faster than the conventional MFC design. Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) System was utilized to calculate sperm quality and visualize the sperm by spermac stain. Experiment reveals that the qualified sperm motility was raised upfrom30% to 99% and linearity (LIN) up from 0.2 to 0.85via sorting by our microfluidic chip (MFC chip).
Industrial Applicability
In this novel device, high quality sperm were sorted by their anadromous phenomenon and results in an ultra-rapid and effective sorting ability. Compared with traditional Swinging up, Density gradient or other microfluidic separation methods. Using the CASA system to analyze the sperm motion trail, we found sperm sorted by microfluidic have high linear velocity and linearity. The anadromous sperm grading chip provide high-throughput separation with live high quality sperm.
Matching Needs
Keyword Microfluidic Sperm separation Infertility Computer Assisted Semen Analysis Assisted reproductive technology procedures Sperm motility Anadromous Sperm morphology High-throughput Linearity
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