Technical Name passive radiative cooling inorganic coating
Project Operator National Taipei University of Technology
Project Host 鄭大偉
Summary This technology uses the low-carbon geopolymer material & high emission powder to make the passive radiative cooling inorganic coating. Besides, all raw materials are from easily-gained oreindustrial by-products,the multi-color appearance is also developed. Notably, for decreasing the heat island effect, this coating is feasible to transmit heat into radiation that can be throughout t
Market Potential Analysis 1.隨著環保意識逐漸抬頭,「永續發展」成為人類發展總目標的情況下,不同國家或地區相繼制定出塗料產品的認證標準,其限制有機塗料之應用範圍與生產,進而促進無機塗料的發展。 2.此技術使用無機聚合材料製成無機塗料,低耗能、低碳排放、生產工藝不複雜,有別於有機塗料高耗能、長期排放有毒物質、汙染環境等。 3.此技術使用原料主要來自於儲量豐富的天然礦石/金屬氧化物及工業副產品,具有很大的資源優勢,有別於生產有機塗料使用大量對人體和環境有害的之溶劑、顏料和助劑。 4.此技術製成之塗料能將建築物/道路鋪面之熱不單以反射形式散熱,同時不論晝夜皆能以輻射形式將熱傳遞至太空,避免熱受困於大氣層內使環境溫度上升,繼而降地能源消耗同時減緩熱島效應。
Industrial Applicability This technology is applied to exterior of buildingspavements. By means of that, the internal heat can be radiated daynight to the outsidethrough the atmosphere. Afterwards, the urban energy consumption will declineprotect the environment. Meanwhile, the merits of this technology, such as low cost, easy making, multi-colorso
Keyword Geopolymeric technology Passive radiative cooling Inorganic coating Thermal insulation coating Urban energy conservation Geopolymer material Basic-oxygen-furnace slag Carbon reduction Heat island effect Emission
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