Technical Name A Smart Clothing Design of Pattern-MakingRefining for Taiwan National Athletes
Project Operator FuJen Catholic University
Project Host 黃盈嘉
Summary The study focusses on developing smart sportswear for Taiwan national athletes. The research adopts invention patent No. I1621405 for a 3D sculpturing garment manufacturing procedure to construct the functional textiles from Lee Yaw Textile Co., LTDWu Luen Knitting Co., LTDusing electronic module from ZoeTek Inc. This made it possible to visualize the muscle data of athletes to complete
Market Potential Analysis 運動衣產值:倫敦全球市場研究的公司Technavio(2016:7)出版2016~2020運動及健身服裝全球市長展望中,估計2020年的體能活動服裝(active wear)市場規模為1966億,包含健身(fitness)與運動(Sports),2015年Nike與Under Armour在北美的營業額成長較前一年各自皆成長12與23。 智慧衣產值:ABI Research的調查報告指出,智慧衣在2017年的出貨量為500萬件,預計2022年將成長45,為穿戴式設備中成長率第二高的商品,其中「運動、健身和健康」市場是最高的消費者應用。另外,英國IDTechEX於2018年對全球的智慧型紡織品市場進行預估,表示2026年的市場規模可能達到22億美元,目前的智慧型紡織品開發主要以「運動健身」為最大應用類別。 由以上的紡織、智慧衣與運動領域產值顯示,本研究能為台灣開啟精準運動科學與智慧衣的國際市場。
Industrial Applicability This smart sportswear is able to help Taiwan national athletes to win Olympic gold medalbeat the world record. Base on the study, the research team investigates on 8 sports by femalemale users to design
Keyword Smart Clothing Competitive Athletics The Sculptural Form Giving Method Professional User Fashion Design Garment Making Procedure Fashion Design, Industry 4.0 Electronic Module Functional Textiles Computer Aid Design
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