技術名稱 用於光刻技術的可程式化光罩
計畫單位 DIGITHO Technologies
計畫主持人 Richard Beaudry
目前,每一家半導體代工廠皆使用標準的光罩技術,在晶圓上製作相同的微芯片。DIGITHO 提出了世界首款可程式化的光罩,適用於這些系統,並允許直接從文件印刷圖案到晶圓上,而無需進行系統修改,以低成本和高速度進行直接光刻。
1. Direct lithography allows fast prototyping for semiconductor enabling short time to market.
2. Direct lithography for microchip serialization. Today, 70 of all chips are not properly identifiedno cost-effective marking exists at die-level. Unit-level traceability is highly needed in semiconductor industry.
Taiwan is the world largest semiconductor manufacturer. Semiconductor industry is complexmade of many players. DIGITHO platform allows chip traceability throughout the semiconductor supply chain. From the foundry to the end-productto the end of life of the chip. Linking chip designers to manufacturer will help to increase qualitystrengthen collaborations throughout the semiconductor industry.
關鍵字 半導體創新應用
  • 聯絡人
  • Richard Beaudry