技術名稱 Entomal 生物轉化系統 (EMBC): 7日内用蟲蟲轉廢為寶
計畫單位 Entomal Biotech Sdn. Bhd.
計畫主持人 Vicas Pui
- 運用黑水虻特性,將日常生活中的有機垃圾轉化成高蛋白飼料及肥料
- 相較台灣黑水虻養殖技術,具備完整實廠操作管理經驗,且設計模組化操作設備,利於更小規模的廚餘管理操作,商業模式也相對靈活
EMBC, our patented Entomal Mobile Bioconversion System, revolutionizes waste management. This solution brings waste treatment to the source. Clients can easily rentdeploy it, fitting various waste volumes. With the BSFs natural processes, it requires minimal energy inputis highly durable. The EMBC embodies circular economy principles, transforming waste into valuable resources while being durablescalable. This innovation aligns with our commitment to sustainable urban solutions.
The EMBC seamlessly integrates with waste practices in nations like Taiwan, known for efficient waste separation. It complements existing systems, treating food waste at source,aligning with national policies of waste reduction. A large-scale treatment plant can also be established, processing substantial waste volumes. By upcycling food waste into insect proteinorganic fertilizer, it bolsters food securitysupports circular economy principles.
關鍵字 淨零排放
  • 聯絡人
  • Yanni Xinyan