技術名稱 足部橫弓支撐
計畫單位 國立臺灣師範大學
計畫主持人 相子元
Nature期刊之研究指出,透過蹠骨間組織,橫弓對足部縱向剛度的貢獻度約40以上(Venkadesan et al., 2020)。本研究同步使用陀螺儀與足底壓力量測系統觀察跑步疲勞介入之雙足弓與縱弓支撐鞋墊之差異。穿著雙足弓支撐鞋墊,跑步過程中足部蹠骨內旋角速度有下降的趨勢,意味著足部有較小的踝
本研究結果指出雙足弓支撐鞋墊能夠有效的降低人們跑步時足部的蹠骨內旋角速度,亦能夠有效幫助跑者降低第一蹠骨處及腳跟處的足底壓力。本研究已應用於本國本土不同屬性之產業,包括有橫弓支撐襪(太肯sock)、橫弓支撐鞋墊(隆鼎insole)、內置中底(勝利midsole 東京奧運代表團運動鞋) 。未來應用亦具
關鍵字 The results of this study indicated that the combining longitudinal and transverse arch support insole can reduce the internal rotation angular velocity of the metatarsal bones of the foot effectively when running, and it can also help runners reduce the plantar pressure at the first metatarsal and the heel effectively. The results of current study have applied to multiple local industries in Taiwan, including the transverse arch support sock for Titan, the transverse supporting insole for Long Term Concept, and the inserted midsole for Victor, which is the event sports footwear for Chinese Taipei team of Tokyo Olympic. In the industry, it is necessary to consider the shape and arch of user's foot to adjust the height and position of component support to meet the individual design principles to achieve better results. 縱弓 運動襪 鞋墊 運動裝備
  • 聯絡人
  • 陳伊蘋