Technical Name Chain Reaction Privacy Processor for Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) in Encrypted Data
Project Operator Chain Reaction Ltd.
Project Host Alon Webman
The foundation of Chain Reaction’s Privacy Processor lies in the dire need for privacy and security of data that grows exponentially over time. Chain Reaction is disrupting the status quo of modern access to data across platforms (such as private and public cloud, data centers, and hyperscalers), users (such as personal, commercial, and government), and industries (such as Oil and Gas, Military and Defense, Medical and Pharma, and Finance and Banking).
We are creating application-specific technology that enables leveraging data in ways that are currently not possible, and thereby unlocks and enables value, insights, problem solving, opportunities, and knowledge that have not been accessible until now. This feat is accomplished with our Privacy Processor that accelerates Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). A CPU processes all types of data, a GPU is a graphics processor targeting very specific use cases and applications, and the Chain Reaction Privacy Processor will process Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), specifically Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) and FHE – at a scale of speed that is unparalleled.
Our target of processing and accelerating privacy technologies is a novel solution to the growing demand of industry and government. As hyperscalers, data centers and cloud turn to privacy technologies, we think privacy will be the most disruptive technology of the future.
Technical Film
Scientific Breakthrough
Chain Reaction is creating an application specific integrated chip (ASIC) in a PCIe Gen-6 form factor or an OAM (OCP Accelerator Module) specification, designed for cloud infrastructure servers to accelerate cryptographic operations, specifically FHE. It is customized to handle very heavy workloads that need up to 1,000,000x (one million times) acceleration. The chip design implements a cutting-edge architecture that uses advanced memories, distributed throughout the chip, and targets fabrication using the advanced process and packaging technologies offered from TSMC and assembly houses in Taiwan. To create this innovative design, Chain Reaction put together a team with an in-depth understanding of mathematics, cryptography, algorithms, sof
Industrial Applicability
Chain Reaction’s Asia-Pacific headquarter is based at the Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan, and for good reason. We believe that the competitive advantage and the core of semiconductor companies lies in the heart of Taiwan, home of the most advanced, bleeding-edge technologies that enable and drive the semiconductor industry globally. Chain Reaction’s Privacy Processor will be built using the semiconductor supply chain in Taiwan, starting with the wafer fabrication process in TSMC foundries, through assembly and testing as well as system design, using ASE, GIGABYTE, and many others. Chain Reaction relies on this robust infrastructure for state-of-the-art fabs and processes, for expertise on low-power optimization, general-availability mindset
Matching Needs
Manufacture and Enginnering Technology; Information and Communiction Technology (ICT); Research Institution aud Non-Profit Organization (NPO); IC Design
Keyword Semiconductor Application
  • Contact
  • Joseph Chen
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