Scientific Breakthrough |
A light-emitting diode (LED) produces a diverging light, which is disadvantageous in pumping a high-energy-density laser source. Therefore, we invent a highly efficient structure to concentrate LED light to pump a laser rod. Based on this invention, we have generated 100-500 mJ/pulse energy in a quasi-CW mode. In Q-switch mode, the laser peak power has reached nearly 3 MW. Our unique high-power laser is the first commercial-grade LED-pumped laser suitable for various industrial applications. |
Industrial Applicability |
Laser Focus World, a well-known magazine, the laser market is valued at USD 16.7 billion in 2020will grow in the following years. Taiwan has many companies making laser equipment. Almost all those companies buy laser systems from foreign countries, suffering from a high cost, long delivery time,potential termination of contracts. Therefore, it is imperative to manufacture affordablereliable high-power lasers in Taiwan. Our LED-pumped laser is suitable for various applications. |