Scientific Breakthrough |
WISSDOM is able to optimally combine data from different sources, including weather radar (any number), surface station, sounding, profiler, satellite ocean-surface wind, lidar,selected numerical model outputs. Therefore it has very high flexibility in real applications. The difficulty occurred in traditional approaches associated with the radar base-line wind retrievaldirect wind analysis along the complex terrains have been resolved in WISSDOM. This is the most important breakthrough in WISSDOM,is important for weather analysis in Taiwan.
Industrial Applicability |
The 3D wind field produced by WISSDOM can be used for the analysisresearch of the severe weather, to improve the forecast accuracyreduce the damage. The wind fields are also very important for real-time monitoring of the airflow in boundary layer, so that the management of green energy generated by offshore wind farms can be optimized. In addition, high resolution WISSDOM wind field can be applied to detect the wind shear in airport, which is a critical factor for aviation safety. WISSDOM wind field can also be utilized to evaluate the impact of cloud seeding in enhancing rainfall.