Technical Name |
Smart Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Device for Vestibular Function |
Project Operator |
Kaohsiung medical university |
Summary |
A Stewart platform integrated with eye tracking and EOG system was designed to check vestibular function. The semicircular-visual reflex and nystagmus were monitored while the performing pre-programmed motions to quantify the degree of vertigo. This system enables both identifying types of vestibular disorder, and smart rehabilitation aids. |
Scientific Breakthrough |
•藉由電腦控制平台提供相較臨床徒手測試更精準,且可針對特定解剖方位、特定頻率及強度的脈衝誘發模式來客觀評估前庭功能,此外以高速旋轉來誘發前庭缺失者眼球震顫狀況時能確保患者處於安全穩定的控制之下。 •本「前庭功能評估及復健智慧裝置」,可透過三軸向角度動作設定配合頭戴式顯示器,進行仿真模擬生活實境的外部刺激,可提供虛擬現實刺激、三度空間擺位模擬,同時並利用高速眼球追蹤儀紀錄眼球震顫的位移軌跡,再利用訊號濾波的方式計算出精準位移量,進而判斷眼顫狀態是否由前庭功能異常引起。 •旋轉平台與座椅下方的空間區域配置陀螺儀,用以量測平台運動時的加速度與角速率,並給與操作軟體即時回饋,利用此區域進行運動計算作為參考,提升操作穩定度及檢測信度。 |
Industrial Applicability |
The device helps clinicians to evaluate and diagnosis the disorder; also provides an efficient way to carry out medical risks and quality control through standardized operation procedures. In addition to medical applications, it also enable allied professions to conduct more in-depth research to understand further mechanisms related physiology. |