Technical Name Rapid detection of acute kidney injury biomarker by a lab-on-a chip using whole blood sample
Project Operator Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou Medical Center
Project Host 洪健中
The biochip is an in vitro diagnostic device that quantitativelyrapidly measures serum NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin) , an biomarker of acute kidney injury.
Scientific Breakthrough
The technology combines a disposable blood filter sensing chip, a molecular imprinting technology (bionic plastic antibody), a vacuum module,a microbead blood cell filtering device. This technique allows clinicians to early diagnose acute kidney injury. Compared with the current ELISA method, the accuracy is similar,it is fastercheaper.
Industrial Applicability
This portabledisposable integrated chip takes only a drop of finger-tip blood10 minutes to quickly, easilyaccurately detect early kidney damage. Therefore, this technique enables clinicians to diagnose golden 48 hours for salvage kidneyavoid life-long dialysismultiorgan failure.
Keyword Lab-on-a-chip portable vacuum module blood filter chip molecular imprinting technology NGAL Acute kidney injury diagnosis biomarker Precision medicine
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